- 社會時事發言區
- - 俄羅斯16日攻打烏克蘭?!
等等 , 烏克蘭可是土共好朋友 , 叛亂軍現代化過程烏克蘭可是幫大忙 , 之前俄羅斯防土共連鐵路都不同軌 , 公路也不太願意修 , 結果這2年........ 讓土共西北防線壓力大減. :stupefy: 精神錯亂才會扣那些帽子吧. :rolleyes: |
https://youtu.be/0QtkOXDd2Qc 那烏拉拉這幾天不是說烏哥每天收復一個足球場的失土是…?搞得我好亂啊 |
今天只剩0.6平方公里 , 這飛機碑之戰是能打多久. :confused: 明天的新聞應該是"俄軍損失巨大所得甚少"或是"並未完全佔領" , 二選一. |
原來是我懟俄羅斯讓你不舒服, 所以你也效法啊,罪過。 |
到達日本站....... |
兩大陣營打完戰爭回到原點長期對峙在歷史上也不是沒發生過, 南北韓就是實例。 |
CNN JUST IN: Wagner chief claims complete capture of Bakhmut, but Ukraine says it still controls part of the city The chief of the Wagner private military group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, claimed Saturday that his forces have taken complete control of the long-contested city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine. “The operation to capture Bakhmut lasted 224 days,” he said in a video posted to Telegram, seeking to claim a final victory for the city. CNN could not independently verify Prigozhin’s claim, and a message from a Ukrainian defense official partially disputed it. Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar, in a Telegram post less than an hour after the Russian mercenary’s claim was published, admitted the situation in Bakhmut was “critical” but said Ukrainian troops were still “holding the defense in the 'Airplane' district of the city,” which is on Bakhmut’s westernmost edge. “As of now, our defenders control certain industrial and infrastructure facilities in the area and the private sector,” she said. While Russian forces have continued their slow street-by-street advance in the city itself for many months, over the last fortnight, Ukrainian forces have managed to re-capture small pockets of territory held by Russian troops to the northwest and southwest of the city. |
鵝螺絲即將割地賠款,最大的受益者將是中國,可收回歷史文件中外興安嶺以東的土地 :mad: :mad: :mad:
聽起來好像這麼一回事, 對中國來說的確是有好處。 但這也區分什麼是中國人,什麼是黃俄孝子。 對吧黃俄孝子們。 |
請問ID:AirStorms,您指ID: polor是哪位ID的遠親貴戚or親朋好友? 還請A大將問題論述清楚,方能正確回答公開場合的提問。 |
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