- 社會時事發言區
- - 俄羅斯16日攻打烏克蘭?!
你真傻啊,CEO都公開場合說明了,為何你要胡說八道說台積電不呢 以下節錄CC 的說法,職位夠大了吧 C. C. Wei - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited - CEO Okay. That's a good question. It is initiative invented by TSMC's customer NVIDIA. . And actually, we are working with them. And this, particularly the software and the hardware together will help speed up computational lithography by moving expensive operation to GPU, which will help us deploy lithography solution like inverse lithography technology, deeper learning more broadly or et cetera. And because of this one, we got involved with our customer and our supplier. And we expect that this will give us some advantage over our cost improvement and also competition. |
關鍵字: 貝萊德 烏克蘭發展基金
CCAV昨天報了一則美國基金接管烏克蘭國有企業的新聞, 但台灣事實查核中心在三周前已認定是假新聞?!?!... :o :confused: :rolleyes: :unbelief: 【錯誤】網傳「美國貝萊德公司利用幫烏克蘭還債藉口,收購所有烏克蘭國家企業、能源跟地下礦石開採權」? |
犯什麼蠢真替你這肛仔感到悲哀,難怪香肛會被你們這種傻逼弄爛 :laugh: https://investor.tsmc.com/english/e...0Transcript.pdf |
法人公開說明會的對談內容, 不是對外公開承認啊。 邏輯思考真是令人驚艷。 對了,Brad的用詞是strategic alliance/partnered up , CC直接轉換為Customer 來套用, 我是故意拿這個改變用詞來懟你的,你還真上勾啊。 Brad Lin - BofA Securities, Research Division - Research Analyst Sure. So my second question will be on the recently announced strategic alliance. As there node migration is the foundry's competition focus, and we know that TSMC leadership in the leading edge. We recently see TSMC partnered up with NVIDIA, Synopsys and ASML on 2-nanometer production and beyond. And what is the target? And how is the progress so far? And TSMC is currently the only foundry within that group. Should we expect an even larger gap to peers with this? Or should we allow more companies or competitors to join this group? |
哈哈 , 會玩
https://twitter.com/WarFrontline/st...864269752086528 新頭殼會不會像這篇一樣拿來寫小作文呢 https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2023-07-03/878022 |
多公開?有像seafood唬爛那樣公開還是像你一樣在這鬼扯蛋 :laugh: |
法人公開說明會,是不是一個公開場合啊,夠不夠你認知的公開程度啊。 這厲害了。 咱不是說公開承認嗎? 這對話內容,並用逐字稿發布於公司對外公開網站都不算數了。 厲害厲害,有沒有這麼怕輸啊 |
台灣的規範沒有要求上傳法說會影音檔嗎? 台灣對於G20 OECD沒有實行嗎? 就算台灣沒有,台積電既然有發行ADR 也該遵循美國的規範啊? 你會不會以為你不知道這些規範,別人就放過你啊 |
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