- 社會時事發言區
- - 俄羅斯16日攻打烏克蘭?!
還是想看坦克對決 , 以為大反攻能看到T-90 VS 豹豹 , 結果只看到各種爆 , 唯一有影片的坦克大決戰還慘遭T-72 一砲KO暴斃還被補第二砲鞭豹屍. :cry: |
今天烏軍大手筆的派出80幾輛裝甲衝擊札波羅熱羅博季涅一帶 , 在損失超過25輛後開始撤退 , 俄軍炮火送客 ,戰鬥持續中.
阿特木一帶烏軍則是進入克利斯奇夫卡西南角 , 離主村剩200公尺左右 北線俄軍昨天攻佔3小村莊後繼續向西耕田. |
烏哥目前正在進攻俄羅斯在札波羅熱的第一道防線,大進攻喔,有包括豹2和Bradley BMP至少百輛裝甲坦克
Ukraine has wedged itself in Russia's first line of defense, Russian official claims, amid reports of major offensive in Zaporizhzhia region Ukrainian forces have been able to wedge themselves in Russia’s first line of defense, with heavy and fierce fighting still ongoing amid a large offensive along the southern front in the Zaporizhzhia region, a Russian official has claimed. “At least 100 armored vehicles have been used to attack by the enemy on the Orekhov [Russian spelling of Orikhiv] section of the Zaporizhzhya (Russian spelling of Zaporizhzhia) front,” a member of the Russian-installed Zaporizhzhia military-civilian administration, Vladimir Rogov, wrote on Telegram on Wednesday. “At the moment, as a result of several waves of attack near Rabotino [Russian spelling of Robotyne] with more than 100 units of armored vehicles, including tanks, BMPs, APCs and AFVs, the enemy managed to wedge in three sections of our first line of defense.” Rogov went on to say Russian forces were using their full arsenal, including aviation strikes, to push back against the Ukrainian units carrying out the assault, which he claimed were Western equipped and trained. “The fighters of these brigades have been trained abroad, and the brigades themselves are equipped with Western military equipment, including Leopard tanks and Bradley BMPs,” he wrote. “Now there are heavy, fierce battles of high intensity going on in this area.” Well-connected Russian military blogger Rybar says fighting in the area has slightly decreased in intensity, adding Russian forces have been able able to hold their ground. Some context: Russian-installed officials and military bloggers have claimed Ukrainian forces have launched a major offensive in the Zaporizhzhia region, to the south of Orikhiv, as they appear to build on modest gains in the area over the past couple of days. Ukrainian officials and sources have yet to comment on this alleged offensive |
其實離第1道防線還有一段距離 , 希望烏軍加油點 , 不然這次大反攻唯一成功之處就是讓俄軍花大把資源建立的蘇洛維金白修了. |
昨天還看到一個消息說哈爾科夫那邊俄軍也有進展,原來的守軍烏哥撤離,俄趁勢攻佔 https://twitter.com/sentdefender/st...WYgyxnRRBDsX4Og |
清完再遠程投放阿 , 哪有那麼容易清完 , 現在連第一道都打不到 , 這不就是成功讓俄軍浪費那麼多資源修四道防線. :rolleyes: 北線最大的進展就俄軍打開寬12公里深4~5公里的缺口 , 能翻過高點再說. 至於阿特木南方的克利斯奇夫卡位於谷地 , 依俄軍的打法應該會撤 , 這幾天應該就會有烏軍大捷的新聞了 |
多了3個小夥伴來陪豹2R |
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