- 社會時事發言區
- - 住美國的網友對拜登這號人物當上美國總統後有何感想?
:rolleyes: |
https://www.wwnytv.com/2023/03/20/d...l-eggs-anymore/ Dollar Tree can’t afford to sell eggs anymore 本來在Dollar Tree每半打雞蛋售價僅1.25美元,現在該店家宣布,因為雞蛋現在太昂貴了,他們現在決定停止販售雞蛋,等價格降回來再恢復販售。 |
https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/sta...309406117863424 台灣身為第一個合法化同性婚姻的國家,我們年年都舉辦同性戀遊行活動,我們還選出了個女總統來,但是美國對台灣依舊不鳥。 中東地區的阿拉伯國家,打壓lgbtqxxx族群不遺餘力,結果美國卻是對他們的作為不聞不問,還努力跟他們結交關係。 :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: |
簡單來説就是洛杉磯市長支持的一個警察監督團體把300名臥底警察的資料PO上網, 引發警察抗議之後,市長還不肯認錯避重就輕把事件定位為行政疏忽僅表示遺憾, 現在321名警察將提起集體訴訟。 關鍵字: Stop LAPD Spying Coalition City of LA Sues Reporter, Police Critics After Mistaken Release of Officers' Photos More than 300 undercover officers file claims against city, LAPD over data release |
https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/4262966 阿富汗撤軍一團亂 拜登政府報告指錯在川普 這傢伙堪稱是中共前發言人袁木的真傳弟子: https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/sta...043863403687956 Biden Spokesman John Kirby on the Afghanistan withdrawal: "For all this talk of 'chaos,' I just didn't see it" https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/sta...042802345439237 Spokesman John Kirby: "There's a lot to be proud of" on Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal. "There was a lot that went right, and a lot of Afghans are now living better lives." https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/sta...038453418422275 Asked if Biden has "any regrets" about his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Spokesman John Kirby insists Biden is “proud." https://twitter.com/townhallcom/sta...047580202954761 KIRBY: "This idea...is just LUDICROUS! That we left millions of dollars of stuff in Afghanistan?! We didn't!" https://twitter.com/townhallcom/sta...040080602853376 KIRBY: The document on the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan "isn't about accountability today. It's about understanding." |
https://nypost.com/2023/04/06/nyc-m...ath-rearrested/ NYC stepdad released without bail after allegedly strangling teen stepson is rearrested after Post report :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
黑人大法官Clarence Thomas被左翼網站爆料他每年接受富商招待豪華旅行,
Clarence Thomas本人表示咨詢過同僚及個人律師被告知私人友誼無需申報, 而且友人的房地產公司并無涉及美國最高法院的訴訟故也沒有利益衝突問題。 保守派媒體如WSJ質疑這是自由派試圖迫使湯瑪斯辭職自由派就能多一席位。 In defending gifts from a GOP billionaire, Clarence Thomas raises more questions among his critics The Smearing of Clarence Thomas |
著名的AOC已經開始動手要彈劾他了....... :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
https://twitter.com/townhallcom/sta...499884131295263 John Kirby warns journalists not to report on leaked Pentagon documents. "This is information that has no business in the public domain...It has no business...on the front pages of newspapers or on television." 他到底在怕啥?? |
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