- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - 比亞迪真是殺瘋了..
比亞迪海豚榮獲英國著名汽車網站Carbuyer 2024年最佳車型及2023年最佳小型電動車獎項
Not only did the BYD Dolphin win our Carbuyer Best Small Electric Car award for 2024, it actually won our Car of the Year award overall! It epitomises everything car buyers are after right now, being affordable, electric, surprisingly well-built, and generously equipped. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, the Dolphin isn’t just good because it’s a cheap car – it’s a great-value car. You get a respectable range for the price, with the Dolphin getting up to 211 miles with the 45kWh battery. Moving up to Comfort or Design spec brings a larger 60kWh battery, which BYD says can do up to 265 miles to a charge. While it might not be to all tastes in terms of design, textured interior materials do a good job of disguising the car’s cheaper trim. Even entry-level models get a large infotainment screen that can rotate from landscape to portrait, and the system is fast and responsive. If you’d rather stick to Android Auto or Apple CarPlay, you’re also catered for. It’s quite astounding how much you get for your money with the Dolphin, and while BYD isn’t yet a household name in the UK, this small electric car should definitely be at the top of your shopping list. |
uk銷售 -至2023 Sep. tesla 6427台 byd 232台 byd最佳電動車? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 便宜賣都沒人要! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: https://www.marklines.com/en/statis...-in-uk-by-month 國外就真的沒人買 笑翻,一直貼牆內新聞有屁用? |
跳針王istanbul:特斯拉壓鑄機是頂尖科技 → 被打臉特斯拉壓鑄機是從中國力勁引進的 → 開始跳針壓鑄機不是什麽新鮮技術了 :laugh: |
10月掛牌衝新高 MG今年已破萬名車主 中華(2204)MG品牌旗下休旅雙雄HS、ZS接力導入台灣市場後,在銷售市場不斷屢創佳績備受消費者青睞。MG Taiwan繼今年5月起連續5個月繳出突破千台的優異成績單後,根據最新2023年10月份掛牌數據,MG Taiwan再度以1787輛的單月掛牌數字締造歷史新猷,相較9月份成長43%,亮眼的銷售表現更是帶動MG Taiwan 2023年1月至10月以1萬286輛的優異掛牌成績,迅速在台灣創下累積突破一萬名車主的全新里程碑。 跳針王istanbul:台灣沒人會買中國車 → 被打臉中國車MG今年已破萬名車主 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
其實那個駕駛盤會掉下來的熊貓車賣得更多,只要便宜就有人買 :mad: :mad: :mad: |
一個說大量民眾抱怨 一個說沒人買 你們之間必定有一個騙子 或是一個傻子 :mad: 至於是誰? 我沒有分辨能力 不知道答案🤢 |
鵝羅絲不是人, 完美解套 |
2022年全球前三大電動車銷售車廠及市占率依序為比亞迪(17.7%)、Tesla(12.5%)、福斯集團(8%)。 https://www.artc.org.tw/tw/knowledge/articles/13697 2023/10/04 工商時報 比亞迪持續穩坐電動車銷量冠軍寶座,全球市占率達21% https://www.chinatimes.com/newspape...20-260203?chdtv |
artc數據就有了阿,中國自己賣自己破爛車賣了幾百萬輛。 很容易查啦,8大工業國,g20國扣除中國有幾個會買中國破電車?有也是貼錢送的。 拿中國自產自銷的破爛數據,說是全球銷售數據, 也只有舔共的那群傻B會整天吹。 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
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