
PCDVD¼Æ¦ì¬ì§Þ°Q½×°Ï (https://www.pcdvd.com.tw/index.php)
-   ¤C¼L¤K¦Þ²§¨¥°ó (https://www.pcdvd.com.tw/forumdisplay.php?f=12)
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LDSKINGII 2023-11-20 09:37 PM



³ÌªñÁp¦X°ê¤Ú°Ç´µ©Z³Q¦û»â¤g°ÝÃD¯S§O³ø§i­ûFrancesca Albanese ¤S¬õ¤F

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Albanese ©Ò«ù²z¥Ñ¥]¬A¡G
- ©w©~ÂI§@¬°¾Ôª§¸o
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- ¥[ÂĪº¾Ôª§¸o¡BCAH(¦M®`¤HÃþ¸o)©MºØ±Ú·Àµ´ªº­·ÀI



¦Û 1967 ¦~ 6 ¤ë¥H¨Ó¡A¥[ÂĨS¦³¤@¤Ñ¨S¦³³Q¥H¦â¦C¦û»â¡C



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smoguli 2023-11-20 10:29 PM



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smoguli 2023-11-20 10:44 PM



smoguli 2023-11-20 11:03 PM


³ÌªñÁp¦X°ê¤Ú°Ç´µ©Z³Q¦û»â¤g°ÝÃD¯S§O³ø§i­ûFrancesca Albanese (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesca_Albanese) ¤S¬õ¤F

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Albanese ©Ò«ù²z¥Ñ¥]¬A¡G
- ©w©~ÂI§@¬°¾Ôª§¸o
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- ¥[ÂĪº¾Ôª§¸o¡BCAH(¦M®`¤HÃþ¸o)©MºØ±Ú·Àµ´ªº­·ÀI



¦Û 1967 ¦~ 6 ¤ë¥H¨Ó¡A¥[ÂĨS¦³¤@¤Ñ¨S¦³³Q¥H¦â¦C¦û»â¡C...


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LDSKINGII 2023-11-21 12:29 AM


µM¦Ó , ®Ú¾Ú¥H¦â¦C¦b¸Ó¦a°Ï¥Í®Äªº­x¨Æ©R¥O , «B¤ô¬O¥H¦â¦C·í§½ªº°]²£ , ¦]¦¹¸T¤î¤Ú°Ç´µ©Z¤H¬°®a®x©Î¹A·~»Ý­n¦¬¶°«B¤ô.

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42. Similarly, in July 2009, Israeli military forces issued stop-work and/or demolition orders on cisterns being constructed in the village of Tuwani, even though the villagers of Tuwani faced a severe water shortage on account of the drought, increasingly stringent Israeli restrictions on movement necessary to gather tankered water, and attacks on water resources and infrastructure by Israeli settlers.38 If constructed, these cisterns would have significantly eased the water crisis for the people of Tuwani. However, according to Israeli military orders in effect in the area, rain is the property of the Israeli authorities and thus Palestinians are forbidden from gathering rain water for domestic or agricultural needs. In 2010, Israel approved the construction of a filling point in the village of Tuwani that alleviated the problem of water availability in the village even though the capacity of the filling point was significantly below the capacity requested by humanitarian agencies (less than 1/4th) in order to serve surrounding villages, which are considered as the cluster of communities most at risk of water scarcity in the West Bank.


smoguli 2023-11-21 01:14 AM

§Ú³ºµM¯uªº£¸±ø±ø§ä¨ÓÃÒ©ú¦Û¤vªº²´·ú¨S¬Ý¿ù¡A¦ý¤U¤Ú§Ö±¼¤U¨Ó¤F :shock:

42. Similarly, in July 2009, Israeli military forces issued stop-work and/or demolition orders on cisterns being constructed in the village of Tuwani, even though the villagers of Tuwani faced a severe water shortage on account of the drought, increasingly stringent Israeli restrictions on movement necessary to gather tankered water, and attacks on water resources and infrastructure by Israeli settlers.38 If constructed, these cisterns would have significantly eased the water crisis for the people of Tuwani. However, according to Israeli military orders in effect in the area, rain is the property of the Israeli authorities and thus Palestinians are forbidden from gatheri...

¹ï©ó¥H¯Ç»P¥H¯Ç¯»¨Ó»¡ , ´Þ¥Á¦aªº¥ô¦ó¤Ï§Ü³£¬O®£©Æ¥D¸q , °ß¤@¯à³Q±µ¨üªº´N¬O´Þ¥ÁªÌªº¼É¤O.

smoguli 2023-11-21 01:41 AM

¦n¨Æ , ¦ý¬ü¨à³o»ò°µÃø¹D¤£©È¥H¯Ç¯R¤£°ª¿³?

Biden orders top aides to prepare reprimands for violent Israeli settlers in West Bank

President Joe Biden directed top officials to prepare visa bans and sanctions for extremist Israeli settlers attacking and displacing Palestinians in the West Bank, according to an internal document read to POLITICO.

Earstorm-5 2023-11-21 07:24 AM

¦¬Ãø¥Á¤£¬O¨º»ò²³æªº, ¥B¤£½×°]¤O¸ê·½, ´N³o¼Ë»¡§a.


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¥»¬O¦P®Ú¦P·½, ¦æ¬°¦b¦P¼Ë±ø¥ó¤U, À³¸Ó®t¤£¦h.

Earstorm-5 2023-11-21 07:27 AM

¬ü°ê¦³¯S§OÀu¶Õ, ©t¥ß¤Ó»·, ¤£µM¨ºùتºµS¤Ó¤H¦pªG¤£¸g±`¥[¤JµS¤Ó¶°¹Îªº¬¡°Ê.
§A¬Ý¬Ý·|¤£·|³Q«a¤W, §A¬O¤£¬OXX¤H! §A¤£·RX! ½Ñ¦p¦¹Ãþªº±j­¢©Ê, ±¡ºü°Ç¯Á.

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¥u¬O§Ú¦V¨Ó¤£¬O¾ú¥v«¬ªº¤H, ¾å±o³o¨å¬G, ¤£¾å±o²Ó¸`.

Earstorm-5 2023-11-21 07:30 AM

¼¯¦è·íªì¯uªº·Q¤Ï®J¤Î¶Ü? ·í¥L¨ä¹ê¥i¥HÄ~Äò¦b®J¤Î°µ¤U¥h, ¤jÅv¦b´¤, §ïµ½µS¤Ó¤H¥Í¬¡.
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©Ò¦³ªº®É¶¡§¡¬°GMT +8¡C ²{¦bªº®É¶¡¬O02:33 AM.

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