- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - 以巴衝突:哈馬斯發動突襲,以色列宣佈進入戰爭狀態
這些以納兵只能等批准陣亡了.... :rolleyes: https://youtu.be/oANA_7N0cLU?si=Cadai2KRNmRwjbEu&t=293 又沒掩護讓人摸上去 https://youtu.be/oANA_7N0cLU?si=8Z52qZ2aL5rg_OkG&t=235 |
以色列廣播台援引以軍”殘協“--從10月7日到11月21日,以軍有至少1600人被軍方劃為傷殘(400人仍在醫院救治) 按一般戰爭規律,傷殘人數要小于陣亡人數,比例>=1:2。也就是說以軍從10月7日以來陣亡人數>=3200人 看來前幾天以軍陣亡2900,傷亡約1萬的小道消息還是很有可信度的 |
真實性還是我說的那樣沒錯阿! 現今狀況就是哈瑪斯沒有必勝的準備就主動殺進人家家裡屠殺平民,然後以色列就進入瘋狂報復行動,最新更新是準備簽署臨時的停戰協議。 什麼協議都還沒簽訂,那來的"食言的一方",你這根本雙標:我只准我支持的一方屠殺百姓,另一方不准報復。 完全複製老共哪一套雙標的說法,有本領去跟老共說只要全世界只要有民族爭議領土的地方,就全面實施兩國論,而不是只有他片面選擇所支持團隊。 |
地道不是短時間可以弄出來,那些支持哈瑪斯的人該不會又說是造假吧? |
:think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: |
CNN的報導 , 看來以納還需要多做些布置然後再次公布"重大發現"來說服世人. :rolleyes: CNN reported from inside Gaza under IDF media escort at all times. As a condition for journalists to join this embed, media outlets had to submit footage filmed in Gaza to the Israeli military for review and agreed not to reveal sensitive locations and soldiers’ identities. CNN retained editorial control over the final report. Several days earlier, the IDF had released what it said was the first batch of evidence, which included weapons and ammunition they said they found inside the hospital itself. But the pictures were a far cry from proving that Hamas had a facility underneath, and a CNN investigation found that some of the guns had been moved around. It is arguably the most compelling evidence thus far that the IDF has offered that there may be a network of tunnels below the hospital. It does not establish without a doubt that there is a command center under Gaza’s largest hospital, but it is clear that there is a tunnel down below. Seeing what connects to that tunnel is absolutely critical. |
地道存在並且有使用痕跡,就代表醫院人員根本知情,哈瑪斯把那些傷患當人肉盾牌。 |
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