- 社會時事發言區
- - 俄羅斯16日攻打烏克蘭?!
已經公佈生前最後一通電話的錄音了 這位少將兼參謀總長之子智障到用烏克蘭SIM卡回報高層部隊狀況,被抓到位置 :jolin: :jolin: :jolin: 不但自己被特種部隊摸掉,身邊幾位參謀也一起領便當 |
傻眼的是國務卿在週日的訪談節目中不是這樣講的: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/antony...ion-03-06-2022/ Transcript: Secretary of State Antony Blinken on "Face the Nation," March 6, 2022 記者提問:NATO has said none of its 30 members are willing to set up a no fly zone. President Biden has been very clear. He has no interest in that or combat troops. But what more can the United States do here? If, for instance, the Polish government, a NATO member wants to send fighter jets, does that get a green light from the U.S.? Or you were afraid that that will escalate tension? 這個國務卿這樣回答:No, that- that gets a green light. In fact, we're talking with our Polish friends right now about what we might be able to do to back fill their needs if in fact they choose to provide these fighter jets to to the Ukrainians. What could we do? How can we help to make sure that they get something to backfill the planes that they're handing over to- to the Ukrainians? We're in very active discussions with them about that. Look, I've been in Europe for the last couple of days working closely as always with our allies and partners at NATO, the European Union, the G7 countries, and all of us together are continuing to take steps to increase the pressure on Russia through additional sanctions, all of which are very actively under discussion and will be implemented in the in the coming days, as well as taking further steps to give the Ukrainians what they need to defend themselves against the Russian aggression. 當時美國明明就說開綠燈的,結果現在完全否定,原來都是美國在扯後腿的。 :tu: :tu: :tu: |
你沒聽懂國務卿說的 波蘭要提供就開綠燈啊 他沒說波蘭可以把飛機交給美國提供啊 就是不要美國提供就對了 誰提供誰倒楣 |
阿就俄軍自己的加密通信不能用啊 不然幹嘛還找來當地手機SIM卡使用 只是他們沒料到這都是局 通信被封鎖、當地通訊被監聽 想賭一下結果賭輸了GG 背後說只靠烏克蘭力量我是不信 我都懷疑美國暗中在練習新戰術 |
你可以咕狗 一下老美和老俄衛星數量就知道 老俄從後蘇聯時期沒錢到金磚五國有點錢開始補壞掉發射上去 就跟老美差距越來越大 |
俄烏事件中.... 受害者依次排序 烏克蘭 > 俄羅斯 > 歐洲 > 中國 (?) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 美國 (圈外, 但廣受益處) :laugh: |
俄羅斯加密通訊系統在烏克蘭“破功” https://www.rfi.fr/tw/%E5%9C%8B%E9%...%A0%B4%E5%8A%9F 據該調查機構執行董事格羅澤夫在推特上說,在電話中, 你聽到駐烏克蘭的俄聯邦安全局(FSB)官員問他的上司 是否可以通過安全的Era系統進行通話。其上司說Era不工作了。 Era是一個超級昂貴的密碼電話系統,俄羅斯國防部在2021年大張旗鼓地推出。 它保證在所有條件下工作。 |
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