- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - 以巴衝突:哈馬斯發動突襲,以色列宣佈進入戰爭狀態
以畜傻兵打死三名以畜人質,R.I.P :cry:
Israeli military accidentally shoots and kills 3 Israelis held hostage in Gaza From CNN's Tamar Michaelis The Israel Defense Forces says that three Israeli hostages in Gaza were mistakenly identified as a threat and shot dead. “During combat in Shejaiya (in northern Gaza), the IDF mistakenly identified three Israeli hostages as a threat As a result, the troops fired toward them and they were killed,” IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said at a briefing Friday. “During searches and checks in the area in which the incident occurred, a suspicion arose over the identities of the deceased Their bodies were transferred to Israeli territory for examination, after which it was confirmed that they were three Israeli hostages,” he added. The hostages have been identified as: Yotam Haim, who was kidnapped from kibbutz Kfar Aza Samer Talalka, who was kidnapped from kibbutz Nir Am Another male hostage whose family requested that his name not be published The IDF began reviewing the incident immediately, Hagari said. “The IDF emphasizes that this is an active combat zone in which ongoing fighting over the last few days has occurred. Immediate lessons from the event have been learned, which have been passed on to all IDF troops in the field.” “The IDF expresses deep remorse over the tragic incident and sends the families its heartfelt condolences. Our national mission is to locate the missing and return all the hostages home,” he added. |
https://youtu.be/tKeXlbWOdDs 另外昨天以畜打死3名人質,當時3人全身赤裸揮舞白旗從一棟建築物走了出來 以畜傻兵依然開槍,以畜事後說以為他們是哈瑪斯,3位人質當中有位是在音樂節表演的樂手 The three Israeli hostages who were killed Friday by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers in Gaza were shirtless and waving a white flag when they were shot, an IDF official said Saturday, calling the killings a “tragic, tragic event” and a violation of IDF rules of engagement. The three men came out of a building “tens of meters from our soldiers’ position,” the official said. At least one of the soldiers “feels threatened and opens fire. Two are killed immediately. One is wounded and runs back inside. The soldiers hear a cry for help in Hebrew and the brigade commander issues a cease fire order but there is another burst of fire.” The third hostage died later. It is not clear if the second burst of fire killed him, or which of the three it was. More than one IDF soldier fired at the hostages, the official told CNN after briefing journalists. This was against our rules of engagement. I’ll repeat that: This was against our rules of engagement,” the official said. The official said there is “intense combat” in the area where the hostages were killed, and “terrorists there are moving around in civilian attire. They are wearing sneakers and jeans. They are trying to pull us into traps.” The hostages were named Friday as Yotam Haim, Samer Fouad Al-Talalka, and Alon Shamriz. It's possible they had escaped or been abandoned by their captors, the official said. “Hundreds of meters from that location there was a building with markings of SOS on it, and we are still looking to see if there is a connection between that building and the hostages,” the official said. There is an investigation taking place looking into the killing of the hostages, the official said. |
UN says 2023 the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank since 2005, when its records began
聯合國的一份報告,2023年是自2005年有記錄以來被以畜佔領的西岸巴勒斯坦人最致命的一年 據人道協調廳稱,2023年1月1日至12月15日,西岸和東耶路撒冷共有477名巴勒斯坦人被殺,自10月7日以來,超過一半被殺 該組織補充說,自10月7日以來,約旦河西岸三分之二的巴勒斯坦死亡事件發生在以畜軍隊進行的搜查和逮捕和其他行動中 報告稱,自10月7日以來,在包括東耶路撒冷在內的約旦河西岸被殺害的278名巴勒斯坦人中,包括70名兒童,268人被以畜軍隊殺害,8人被以畜定居者殺害,另外2人被部隊或定居者殺害。 人道協調廳還注意到,在10月7日哈馬斯襲擊事件後,西岸每週平均發生35起事件,而2023年1月1日至10月6日期間每週發生21起事件。 暴力日益加劇:儘管拜登總統呼籲以色列制裁以畜定居者極端分子,但CNN團隊本週目睹了定居者和以畜軍方如何合作,在約旦河西岸的巴勒斯坦家庭中製造恐懼文化 除了緊張局勢升級外,自10月7日以來,約旦河西岸也加強了安全措施,此後以畜開始嚴格限制巴勒斯坦居民在那裡的行動自由 2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since 2005, when the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) began keeping records, according to a report from the organization. A total of 477 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem from January 1 to December 15, 2023, with more than half killed since October 7, according to OCHA. The organization added that two-thirds of the Palestinian fatalities in the West Bank since October 7 had occurred during “search-and-arrest” and other operations carried out by Israeli forces. Of the 278 Palestinians, including 70 children, killed in the West Bank including East Jerusalem since October 7, 268 have been killed by Israeli forces, eight by Israeli settlers and another two either by forces or settlers, according to the report. OCHA also noted an increase in settler attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank following the October 7 Hamas attacks, with the weekly average of incidents since 7 October at 35, compared with 21 incidents per week between 1 January and 6 October 2023. Increasing violence: A CNN team this week witnessed how settlers and the Israeli military are working together and creating a culture of fear amongst Palestinian families in the West Bank, despite calls from President Biden for Israel to sanction "settler extremists." As well as escalating tensions, security measures have also been stepped up in the West Bank since October 7, after which Israel began severely restricting the freedom of movement of Palestinian residents there. |
Palestine |
以畜發射近3萬砲彈 45%無精準引導就是俗稱啞彈盲射加薩平民區
https://youtu.be/HKdu5XcwcLc |
根據以畜國家保險機構Bituach Leumi(類似我們的勞保局)的資料顯示
10月7日哈瑪斯突襲造成的最終死亡人數為695名以色列平民(包括36名兒童)、373名以畜安全部隊人員和71名外國人,總計1139人 根據法新社和以畜媒體收集的證詞,這些數據「沒有區分哈瑪斯殺害的人和以畜軍隊在奪回以色列南部控制權的戰鬥中殺害的平民,在這場行動中,軍隊對居民區使用了砲彈和火箭彈」 https://www.france24.com/en/live-ne...of-oct-7-deaths 10月14日,以畜初步公布被哈馬斯殺害的死亡人數1400多人 11月10日,外交部公佈了一份“最新估計約為1200人 而以畜上校承認以畜當天有執行漢尼拔指令或程序(Hannibal Directive)(Hannibal Procedure) https://x.com/pvpgurl/status/173469...WYgyxnRRBDsX4Og 何謂漢尼拔指令或程序? https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/漢尼拔指令 https://www.aljazeera.com/features/...ldier-tells-all 這指令目的在避免以畜士兵在交戰中,被敵對勢力所擄獲,要不計代價,使綁架者釋放遭俘虜的士兵 它允許戰鬥指揮官可以執行任何必要的措施,去阻止士兵遭到誘捕或綁架,這其中也包括了可能危及被綁架士兵生命的行動 當以畜士兵被俘虜,而且沒有其他軍事解決方案可以使用時,以色列可能被迫要跟敵方協商,交換俘虜 它曾造就了數次著名的成功,例如恩德培行動,但也造成過不必要的人命損失,如Ma'alot massacre 加上有獲釋人質和當天倖存者的證詞 所以10/7死亡的1139人有部分很可能是被以畜自己無差別攻擊而造成死亡 也可以合理懷疑昨天那三名人質或剩下的人質可能都是漢尼拔指令下的亡魂 有人會問那之前為何換囚?因為國際和美畜壓力,自己國內人質家屬示威也hold 不住才勉強換 |
分享這張加薩北部 Kamal Adwan 醫院 Nasser Almadhon 醫生的照片 以證明以色列正在逮捕無辜醫生 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBfg2WH...pg&name=900x900 然後 這原本畫面..........@@ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBfg25B...pg&name=900x900 每一位都手持AK步槍投降 這是另一位恐怖分子? 還是專屬醫生? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GBf3zqU...jpg&name=medium 看板上某幾位.挺恐怖份子的 應該又會 顧左右而言他了 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
哈粉們是不可能捐款的, 因為他們支持屠殺平民並且覺得有快感的恐怖份子 :laugh: |
他們可以一邊殺人、一邊救人呀, 有衝突嗎? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
到頭來錢都是捐給那些哈瑪斯大頭們: https://www.facebook.com/New27Briga...95146264768099/ :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
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