- 社會時事發言區
- - 住美國的網友對拜登這號人物當上美國總統後有何感想?
https://x.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1877461717933801567 The scariest part of this woke nonsense is when she admits she’s not strong enough to carry a man out of a fire, but it’s really the man’s fault for being in that situation to begin with. 不夠強壯不是他的錯,誰叫你一開始要待在那個環境。 https://x.com/GPrime85/status/1877761960852218020 |
Morgan Freeman繼續把洛杉磯野火責任怪罪到川普身上:
https://x.com/mjfree/status/1877471941176512977 喔,我該講清楚,他不是演員Morgan Freeman,而是個專門反川的小王八蛋,結果推特上就因這個同名同姓而火熱起來。 |
這個叫Morgan J. Freeman... :laugh: :o :p |
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