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卻造不出40年前的(F-22)F-119發動機 目前勉強仿造出約50年前的技術(F-16)F-100發動機 有最強的合金技術的中國 卻造不出先進發動機 敢吹最強???? 一定是有通天本領 :flash: :flash: :flash: :p :p :p :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
外賣小哥都1/3本科,中國外賣是要轉型成知識密集型產業了! 21世紀必將是中國外賣小哥的世紀! |
77a77樓主前幾天就發過的新聞 軍盲井蛙更新一下資訊好嗎 對岸對標(F-22)F-119發動機的WS-15峨眉發動機已經量產交付 引用:
China’s New WS-15 Jet Engine Finally Enters Serial Production: How Will it Supercharge J-20 Stealth Fighters? https://militarywatchmagazine.com/a...rial-production The WS-15 afterburning turbofan engine under development for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force’s top air superiority fighter the Chengdu J-20 has reportedly entered serial production, according to a statement by an Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) official. The long awaited engine is thought to currently be in low rate initial production, and is expected to fully phase out the WS-10C turbofan which the large majority of J-20 units currently rely on. Where the WS-10C represented a heavily enhanced variant of a fourth generation engine design, the baseline WS-10B, the WS-15 is a clean sheet new design which is expected to remain in production in enhanced forms past past the year 2050. Development makes China the first country to serially produce an engine with such high specifications after the United States, which developed the F119 engine for its equivalent fighter to the J-20 the F-22 Raptor, and subsequently an enhanced derivative the F135 for its lighter single engine F-35 fighter. The WS-15 is expected to not only have a much longer life and lower maintenance requirements than the WS-10, but also a massively greater power output which will give the J-20 more thrust than any other tactical combat aircraft in the world. The engine is also expected to introduce two or three dimensional thrust vectoring capabilities for improved manoeuvrability. Introduction of the WS-15 is expected not only to make the J-20 far more manoeuvrable, but also provide much more energy for onboard sensors and other avionics and potentially provide a more viable option for powering future directed energy weapons such as laser weapons. While the J-20 already has a much longer range than any Western fighter, the WS-15 is expected to extend this significantly further still due to its greater fuel efficiency. It will allow the fighter to fly at much higher supersonic speeds without using afterburners. A new variant of the J-20, which is speculated to be the new airframe type first seen in December 2022 with improved stealth features, is thought to have been modified to make better use of the new powerplant and may be designated the J-20B - where the baseline J-20 used stopgap Russian engines and the improved J-20A was produced from 2019 with the WS-10C. Although the J-20 entered full scale production in late 2021, and has been entering service very quickly since at far greater rates than the F-22 ever did, the WS-15’s potential lowering of the fighter’s lifetime costs and expanding of its advantages over other fighter classes could well lead to production on a larger scale still - potentially accelerating the phasing of the Air Force’s other heavyweight fighter class the older fourth generation J-16 out of production. The J-16, as well as the J-20’s direct fourth generation predecessor the J-11, are both powered by the WS-10B. The J-20 is third in the world among fighters today in terms of its scale of production, surpassed only by the American F-35 and China’s own lightweight single engine fighter the J-10C, with some estimates placing J-20 production rates at close over 40 per year. To place this in perspective, the F-22 was produced at rates of around 20 per year, although its production run was ordered cut less than four years after it entered service due to multiple issues with the design. The competing Russian fifth generation fighter the Su-57, although by some estimates much cheaper than the J-20, saw just six produced in 2022 and is not expected to see production rise above around 20 aircraft per year. The J-20 is one of just two fighters of its generation both in production and fielded at squadron level strength alongside the F-35, with the two having had their first encounter confirmed in March 2022 over the East China Sea. Beginning development in the mid 1990s, work on the engine was long expected to be the most protracted part of the program. The PLA only got its first indigenous fourth generation afterburning turbofan the WS-10B meaningfully into service in the early 2010s, and only reached reliability levels seen as sufficient to power single engine fighters near the end of the decade, which made moving on to a fifth generation engine as ambitious as the WS-15 particularly groundbreaking. The engine was first seen being flight tested on a J-20 airframe in January 2022, with multiple further sightings having been made since. It has been widely reported but remains unconfirmed that fighters integrating two WS-15s have been seen, although whether any of these are serial production models or only prototypes is unknown. The United States, while moving to retire the troubled F-22, is strongly considering developing a new engine for the F-35, since the F135 was developed at a time when the fighter was expected to be significantly lighter meaning it leaves it underpowered today. The F135’s very significant reliability issues have also been a key driver of the F-35’s low availability rates, which has only further fuelled calls for a new engine. As China moves to begin fielding J-20s with WS-15 engines, this is likely to only strengthen arguments in the U.S. for what is increasingly seen as an urgently needed engine replacement for the F-35. |
不管你信不信 反正我是信了 畢竟在中國口中的老妖婆降落台灣那一灣 j20向全世界展現了無與論比的隱型能力。 j20就是強 貴國說了算 我信了 |
我都信 蔡英文將與麥卡錫見面,口國有一千個示威者出來反對 :D 說只有一千示威者出來,我都不好意思 :D |
真的會笑死!!! 舔仔智商真的沒底限 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 豪洨的話也只有舔仔會當真 :laugh: :laugh: https://i.imgur.com/z0htpIw.jpg 中國「民族驕傲」C919民航機試飛 爆引擎故障 https://i.imgur.com/lwGzUr1.jpg https://i.imgur.com/CaQCi2z.jpg 線上試驗最高速度 鋼輪式 574.8 km/h:法國,TGV-Project V150 - 東線(2007年4月3日) 磁浮式 603 km/h:日本,JR磁浮L0系(2015年4月21日) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: https://i.imgur.com/mZgcu8l.jpg |
不要小看中共國的僑務動員能力, 光是加州大學的中國學生學者聯合會叫來一千人都有可能。 |
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