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- 社會時事發言區
- - 住美國的網友對拜登這號人物當上美國總統後有何感想?
$1400 是卡在哪裡?
都多久以前的事了,現在不是在流行敗登幫你省16美分? |
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/de...st-dictatorship Democratic socialists ignore Cuban protesters railing against communist dictatorship 我還在奇怪,這些對社會主義抱持美好憧憬的極左派人士,他們怎麼都不搬去這類國家,何況又沒人阻止他們。 :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
我有在抽雪茄有參加古巴捲菸師來台的活動 能來台灣都是資深可以捲魚雷的 當時問他們月薪是多少.......不到10USD 全部的人都是 :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: 捲菸師也是當下才知道他們的雪茄"一隻"要快100USD :shock: 休息時間問捲菸師去哪,代理商人回去買球鞋,因為在古巴跟本沒有 :stupefy: |
跟這篇講的完全一致: http://www.ritagiang.com/article.php?id=678 今日古巴 Cuba Today |
https://www.texastribune.org/2021/0...as-voting-bill/ Texas Democrats land in Washington, D.C., and promise to stay out of Texas until after special legislative session ends Aug. 6 阻止的方法是讓州議會與會人數達不到三分之二,議會必須通過這個人數門檻才能進行投票決定議案。 德州州長很不爽,宣布要逮捕這些落跑的民主黨議員: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...ons-greg-abbott Governor vows to arrest Democrats who fled Texas to block voting restrictions 敗登不但聲援他們,還把話講得很誇張: https://www.inquirer.com/politics/j...h-20210713.html Biden calls voting-rights fight ‘the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War’ in Philly speech 形容這些要求選民證件證明身份的法案堪比另外一次南北戰爭。 :jolin: :jolin: 我實在不能理解,仔細研讀這些法案會發現,其實都在鼓勵選民以各種方式投票,而且有些限制放得比以往還開,根本談不上啥壓抑選民,民主黨到底在怕啥? :jolin: :jolin: :jolin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCl8i5unIpw Tucker mocks 'truly heroic' Texas Democratic fugitives 更何況,民調也顯示,民意支持提早投票,以及投票前提供選民證件: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...nts/7774904002/ Most Americans back both early voting and ID requirements, Monmouth University Poll finds >>Nearly two-thirds of those polled, 71%, supports that it should be overall easier to vote early in elections. Only 16% of the public felt that early voting should be restricted. >>According to the Monmouth University Poll, 80% of the public also supports requiring a form of identification before a person can vote. The poll found only 18% in opposition to such policies. |
老川回歸。。。。。 頭洞很大的戲碼 |
https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/sta...460490298077187 現行聯邦航空法規定,所有乘客搭乘民航機都要戴口罩,為什麼他們每一個人都沒戴口罩? :mad: :mad: 往好處看,有疫苗的保護之下,應該至少不會轉成重症........ 不過根據他們的公開行程,他們一到DC後沒多久就獲VP的接見,那不就表示VP........ :shock: :shock: :shock: |
私人飛機也需要 ? |
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