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- 顯示卡討論區
- - Folding@home 設定 功耗測試 與 WCG 複合測試
CPU的資源會完全被吃光光嗎? 還是不夠稱到四卡? x86 CPU的運算如果完全不使用 全力支援四卡 理論上應該還是有可能 不過CPU應該是蠻高檔的四核心... |
事實上CPU...挺鳥的 :laugh: (XP90是好物 :D )
目前是用3800+X2去推整個牧場(想找個時機換C/P佳的肥龍II) 使用率約40~50%吧...也沒有推不動的情況 況且驅動如果換成180.XX...CPU 負載會更低... :think: |
整個牧場就會歡樂起來... :jolin: (櫻花妹大戰->戰神妹->PK雙狐妹) 果然太花心就是這樣的下場... <--(這傢伙到底在講什啊) :tu: :eek: :D :laugh: |
目前A卡我沒在用, 但以N卡現今的驅動來說, 已經把CPU使用率降到極低了.其實CPU已不重要. 現在我的Q6600@3.2Ghz 幾乎都是全速在跑WCG. 從換180.70後,近日已經再前進30名了. WCG世排450後要進30名可是不太容易的事情(至少16cores+),多虧CPU被釋放出來. |
他說4P是極限了 一次不能搞太多妹! |
剛才無聊,用Furmark顯示卡燒機程式1.5版來跑,在室溫20度C的室內,8800GT 512顯示卡在5分鐘後就上升到最高溫72度.跑一般384點數或480點數的Project,大約在65-66度.
至於511點數的57系列雷U,運作時的顯卡溫度大約70度,己經可以和燒機程式稱兄道弟了. 所 以說N社的卡來跑FAH,幾乎己經將其架構的浮點性能都發揮出來了.不知A卡的情況, 跑GPU Client時的溫度和燒機軟體比較是如何呢?月底消費券到手想入手A卡4850,想知道 其情況如何,有沒有網兄能心得分享?謝謝. |
理論上DirectX跟OpenGL一直都可以撰寫一些讓GPU做原本應該是CPU的工作 只是DX跟OpenGL本來就不是這方面的專門,簡單的說是可程式化度不夠 而且也不是專門針對這功能做的設計,在開發上可能也比較困難 雖然速度上還是比CPU快,但是效率無法完全發揮 NV的CUDA可以用C語言開發能夠以低階層的方式存取GPU最大資源的APi 有興趣可以翻翻這篇GPGPU在GT200上的介紹 http://www.realworldtech.com/page.c...RWT090808195242 |
[09:05:38] Writing local files
[09:05:38] Completed 122500 out of 250000 steps (49 percent) [09:08:39] Timered checkpoint triggered. [09:11:40] Timered checkpoint triggered. [09:12:38] CoreStatus = 63 (99) [09:12:38] + Error starting Folding@Home core. [09:12:43] [09:12:43] + Processing work unit [09:12:43] Work type a1 not eligible for variable processors [09:12:43] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe [09:12:43] Core found. [09:12:43] Working on queue slot 08 [January 3 09:12:43 UTC] [09:12:43] + Working ... [09:12:43] - Calling 'mpiexec -np 4 -channel shm -env MPICH_USE_SMP_OPTIMIZATION S 1 -host FahCore_a1.exe -dir work/ -suffix 08 -nocpulock -checkpoint 3 -forceasm -verbose -lifeline 2648 -version 622' [09:12:45] [09:12:45] *------------------------------* [09:12:45] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core [09:12:45] Version 1.76 (February 23, 2008) [09:12:45] [09:12:45] Preparing to commence simulation [09:12:45] - Ensuring status. Please wait. [09:13:02] - Assembly optimizations manually forced on. [09:13:02] - Not checking prior termination. [09:13:14] - Expanded 4740020 -> 24426905 (decompressed 515.3 percent) [09:13:15] [09:13:15] Project: 2665 (Run 3, Clone 677, Gen 82) [09:13:15] [09:13:16] Assembly optimizations on if available. [09:13:16] Entering M.D. [09:13:23] Calling FAH init [09:13:24] ater [09:13:24] Writing local files [09:13:24] Completed 123106 out of 250000 steps (49 percent) [09:13:24] er [09:13:24] Writing local files [09:13:24] Completed 123106 out of 250000 steps (49 percent) [09:13:30] Extra SSE boost OK. [09:16:25] Timered checkpoint triggered. 各位能幫我解答一下這是什麼原因嗎?? 前面幾次發言都沒人回答 :fear: |
有時其他的原因也會造成這個結果.即使上一個WU正常完成,等接到下一個WU要運算時, 就會出現這一行 : Error starting Folding@Home core. 重新啓動,也一樣;刪除core,或者Work也一樣.因為在下同時執行多個SMP,遇到這種情形, 就把其他主機正常跑的移到BT機來執行.我的跑的核心是1.9版,似乎比你跑的新,僅供參考. 07:43:44] - Ask before connecting: No [07:43:44] - User name: Ruark8263 (Team 31403) [07:43:44] - User ID: 4C71D40A3FC01129 [07:43:44] - Machine ID: 16 [07:43:44] [07:43:44] Loaded queue successfully. [07:43:44] [07:43:44] + Processing work unit [07:43:44] Core required: FahCore_78.exe [07:43:44] Core found. [07:43:44] Working on queue slot 08 [January 3 07:43:44 UTC] [07:43:44] + Working ... [07:43:44] [07:43:44] *------------------------------* [07:43:44] Folding@Home Gromacs Core [07:43:44] Version 1.90 (March 8, 2006) [07:43:44] [07:43:44] Preparing to commence simulation [07:43:44] - Looking at optimizations... [07:43:44] - Files status OK [07:43:44] - Expanded 238119 -> 1167461 (decompressed 490.2 percent) [07:43:44] [07:43:44] Project: 4445 (Run 669, Clone 0, Gen 4) [07:43:44] [07:43:44] Assembly optimizations on if available. [07:43:44] Entering M.D. [07:44:05] (Starting from checkpoint) [07:44:05] Protein: p4445_Seq44_Amber03 [07:44:05] [07:44:05] Writing local files [07:45:32] Completed 510000 out of 1500000 steps (34%) [07:45:32] Extra SSE boost OK. [07:56:18] Writing local files [07:56:18] Completed 525000 out of 1500000 steps (35%) [08:07:05] Writing local files [08:07:05] Completed 540000 out of 1500000 steps (36%) |
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