- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - 以巴衝突:哈馬斯發動突襲,以色列宣佈進入戰爭狀態
🇮🇷>120枚(中程)彈道飛彈,大多數遭到攔截,只有少量擊中南部的Navatim空軍基地,但大多落在開闊地帶,只對機場設施造成輕微損壞。 🇮🇷>30枚巡弋飛彈,全數遭到攔截,其中25枚在境外就被空軍戰機擊落 🇮🇷約170架Shahed無人機,攔截數不明 🇮🇷部分武器從伊拉克與葉門發射,全數遭到攔截 🇮🇷黎巴嫩也發射火箭,沒有造成損壞與傷亡 以軍發言人 特別提到伊朗企圖(用彈道飛彈)癱瘓Nevatim基地 以阻止以色列戰機從該處出動執行攻擊與防禦(反巡弋飛彈)任務。 特別公布了F-35I強者戰機執行完防空任務後降落Nevatim基地的畫面 顯示該基地仍能正常運作。 這也解釋了以色列南部拍攝到的大量飛彈攔截畫面,影片據稱是約旦河谷附近所拍攝。 影片中的來襲飛彈與攔截彈都沒有尾焰,直接出現爆破的煙花, 顯示來襲的是無動力的彈頭,而攔截彈也已經脫離推進火箭, 兩者應該是在相當高,甚至外大氣層撞擊。 大部分的彈道攔截是由以色列箭二/三家族所執行。 總而言之,伊朗在一個晚上就狂射>120枚中程彈道飛彈可說是花了大錢 美以動用的外大氣/太空攔截彈肯定成本更高 補足了俄烏戰爭未曾見到的高層(Upper Tier)飛彈防禦作戰。 以伊衝突 可說將30年來飛彈攻防議題都演了個遍 各種飛彈防禦/突防技術的期中大考 只是不知道 下一個考生是換誰上場? :shock: :shock: :shock: |
雖然伊朗這次行動已證明在未使用先進導彈並提前通知行動的情況下 , 依然能穿透有充分準備及英美和約旦協助的以納防空體系 , 有效打擊預定目標. 但被寵壞的以色列納粹能安分多久還是未知數.......... :rolleyes: Operation True Promise; Which Of The Israeli Bases Targeted In The Retaliatory Missile And Drone Attack By Iran? https://english.iswnews.com/34551/o...attack-by-iran/ all the last night events conveyed several important messages to Israel and the West; the Israeli regime must understand that even if the entire West mobilizes all its defense capabilities to defend the despicable Zionist regime, Iran’s hand is still open for any retaliatory operation, and whenever it wills, it can accurately and intensely hit the targets and punish the Israeli regime for its crimes. The “military objective” of last night’s operation was the attack on the most important airbase of the Israeli regime, namely the Nevatim airbase near the Dimona nuclear facility!! was successfully carried out despite the presence of the most concentrated defense systems in the world, and the pre-determined airbase was hit. The Israelis must know that every point of the Israeli regime’s entity is under Iran’s control and strike, and the bluster and threats against Iran never go unanswered… https://twitter.com/Iran_UN/status/1779623303067418958 Constantly mollycoddled by its supporters, the Israeli regime was a spoiled child at the school where its anomalies had long gone unchecked. This dangerous behavior led to the point where it set fire to the school. It needed to be disciplined, and discipline was indeed enforced! |
Nevatim air base衛星照片表明
至少3枚彈道飛彈擊中,2枚打中跑道邊緣,1枚打中空地。 120枚1000km彈道飛彈 只有3枚命中 那某國吹噓的「彈道飛彈洗地論」............. |
只能說防守方很落漆 以色列被打到本土已經算防守失敗 由於其中混雜粗製濫造的東西 實際上可能達到以色列本土的了不起一半 所以防禦成本應該也沒之前講的13億多美金那麼多 :rolleyes: 引用:
陸劍二 陸軍可是捏覽趴才買的(要當海劍二分母) 要是刺針吃到飽 誰要陸劍二 :rolleyes: |
後來不是改吹火箭彈洗地又便宜又好... :laugh: |
等伊朗本土被打, 態度應該不同了。 伊朗本土有被攻擊過嗎? |
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