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- - Folding@home 設定 功耗測試 與 WCG 複合測試
我覺得很好啊~ 應該一步步跟就可以做出來吧~ (其他大德請給建議, 我沒經驗...) 多謝嘍~ :cool: 引用:
從目前回報的情形似乎不樂觀, 不是只有我收到ATI返修卡. :fear: 先等等看各家從國外能拉什麼貨回來, 對停產大半年的GT200, 估計別國也好不到哪去~ :think: 不過295去換, 至少是5870等級, 跟他嗆這是降級, 說不定還能撈到5970. (發夢中 :laugh: ) 但是這成本對廠商很大, 相信如果能夠的話, 廠商還是會以GT200為優先來換修. 當然, 最後還是會有換完的一天, 將來不管是換A 5系列or N 400家族 都不會太差. 屆時GPU3應該已有, 至少不會離太遠~ 最差的情況就是變賣另外再徵二手. |
A3 core Bigadv project 2684
新的A3 core Bigadv project 2684,基本分8955,bonus factor為26.4:
http://www.linuxforge.net/bonuscalc2.php Windows SMP2 client不久後也可望加入運算。 BigAdv projects begin the transition to the A3 core http://en.fah-addict.net/news/news-...the-a3-core.php As announced a few months ago, the BigAdv projects will soon be dropping the A2 core in favour of A3, which will signal the completion of the transition from SMP1 to SMP2; the A3 core being one of the first major applications for the latter. Project 2684 makes its appearance at this point, and is the first BidAdv project to utilise the A3 core. Scientifically, the project is very close in makeup to those in the 2681-2683 range, which we know as BidAdv A2. It will be used to supplement the data obtained during the first phase of BigAdv and will validate the use of the A3 core on BidAdv projects. This project is distributed by the usual BigAdv server at Each unit consists of 1,096,433 atoms, and should preferably be completed four days or less if you want an early return bonus. The final deadline is six days. Each unit is worth 8,955 points, and the bonus factor is 26.4. These values may be adjusted at a later date after feedback from users. Initially, project 2684 will only be available for Linux and OSX, but the Windows version should make its appearance shortly afterwards. |
26.4我猜他要指的是 K factor , bonus factor 應該是隨完成時間而變動的數值。 簡單說A3 core Bigadv的基本分=8,955、K factor=26.4帶來的影響就是, 在4天內完成這個工作至少就有46,011的得分, 4天到6天內完成只剩8,955的得分, 舊的A2 core Bigadv(基本分25,403、K factor=2) 在4天內完成這個工作至少就有43,999的得分, 4天到6天內完成也還有25,403的得分... 用給分的方式來強調在Preferred Deadline內完成的重視程度。 |
XD..剛剛發現上一篇數字算錯,來不及編輯了,請無視 :jolin:
正確版 簡單說A3 core Bigadv的基本分=8,955、K factor=26.4帶來的影響就是, 在4天內完成這個工作至少就有56,352的得分, 4天到6天內完成只剩8,955的得分, 舊的A2 core Bigadv(基本分25,403、K factor=2) 在4天內完成這個工作至少就有43,999的得分, 4天到6天內完成也還有25,403的得分... 用給分的方式來強調在Preferred Deadline內完成的重視程度。 |
先收下,等到安裝時有問題在像你提問囉!感恩感恩! 我的295最近也有些問題,還要在找看看 看來天氣熱真的是一大考驗阿!! 引用:
疑? 我的製造日期是2010/03
那這樣保固該從甚麼時候開始算? 上星期三 MSI克服跟我說都沒貨了~.~ 所以我就要了5850 目前還有一張送修中 等送修得回來後 再把這兩張拋售出去 |
大概是要求我們不要隨便算到一半就關掉、或者是當機!:stupefy: |
也可能純粹是鼓勵儘早達交WU運算結果以加速研究,而能較早達交WU運算結果 代表的是較短的停/當機時間或更強的運算能力。 |
我是覺得, 主要是獎勵穩定的運算機
畢竟這種運算非常要求穩定. 僅管有加入備援機制, 但是如果有穩定的機器, 就可以釋出多餘的資源來做進一步的運算 |
GPU3 開放測試, 僅有nvidia支援.
The client runs on : GeForce 8/9 Series GeForce 100/300 Series (most) GeForce 200/400 Series Quadro FX 360, 370, 570, 1600, 1700, 3600, 3700, 4600, 5600 Quadro NVS 130, 135, 140, 290, 320 Tesla C870*, 20 Series, T10/C1060/S1070 MCP77/78* NVIDIA GeForce G* FAQ可以翻一翻~ 有興趣的可以開始試試了~ http://folding.stanford.edu/English/FAQ-NVIDIA-GPU3 Download links: NVIDIA Client download: SYSTRAY: http://www.stanford.edu/~friedrim/....systray-632.msi (md5sum=effd87ba12c96be28e252bccbe776ff9) VISTA CONSOLE: http://www.stanford.edu/~friedrim/....U_Vista-631.zip (md5sum=b41301886881958c64c1907b3ed6acae) XP CONSOLE: http://www.stanford.edu/~friedrim/....-GPU_XP-631.zip (md5sum=885e36a477d247487f8009335bd4e3cc) |
所有的時間均為GMT +8。 現在的時間是12:05 PM. |
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