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- - Folding@home 設定 功耗測試 與 WCG 複合測試
等BIGADV的工作包一回傳就有了.. :D |
最近天氣有點熱 折疊有術,建康要顧 不要只為折疊,讓自己被搞的熱到滿頭大汗,又吵到發神經 由其是有放在房間的電腦,可要量力而為... 分享平常的溫度 冷氣機顯示的溫度,冷氣機今年入夏以來都沒有開過 床上的溫度 天花板的溫度與測溫點 反正就是熱氣往上飄 電腦待機溫度 平常WCG + F@H的溫度 CPU降壓降到極限了 |
有人用GIGABYTE GV-N460OC-1GI GeForce GTX 460跑fah會有噪音的嗎
國外有此現象的回報 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...words%29&Page=3 Santiago 7/17/2010 8:57:28 PM Rating + 4 So close to perfect. Cons: The GF104 chip buzzes when running Folding@Home and no other application. It's silent in games and running FurMark or OCCT. It's not fan noise either. It sounds like a cheap compact fluorescent bulb when it buzzes. http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.p...=15241&start=60 BuddhaChu Just got a Gigabyte GV-N460OC-1GI (that's the 1GB GTX460) and have been running it for about an hour now. Whomever reported the whine while folding on their 460, I'm getting it also and it's ANNOYING! This card is dead quiet at idle compared to my old card (8800GT). Once I fired up F@H, I immediately heard the high-pitched whine. What makes it even more annoying is it oscillates as you use the graphics card for the GUI, like grabbing a title bar on a browser window then wiggling it back-n-forth to use the GPU. That makes the tone warble to make it even more distracting. |
NV的中高階卡跑F@H一直都聽的到高頻聲... :) |
自己回自己... 我的GTX460公版卡在連續一星期F@H的情形下在今天掛了.. :stupefy:, 操作設定是放機殼內,室溫30-35度, 電壓1.037超 Core/Shader=850/1700,GPU溫度在75度左右, |
可能的話, 請詳述讓大家做個參考. 這種溫度應該不會掛才對. 如果只是不能跑F@H, 容易有錯誤, 卡還可正常使用, 那建議不超頻, 並卸載vga工具 上週GTX295一核有出問題, 後來uninstall Rivatuner 就又回復正常了. :jolin: |
在winxp下, 跑3dmark、F@H都在1分鐘內畫面凍結,連開GPU-Z都也會. 換一台電腦插卡, 在win7下, 只要打開內建的Aero畫面就會凍結了。 |
如果軟硬體配置都沒問題, 那好像是中簽王? 這期去簽一下樂透 說不定會中頭彩 :cool: 我雙GTX295那台AMD也有遇過開機錯誤桌面凍結, 但是昇BIOS重裝驅動後也好了. 如果裝別台也是如此,還是先送修吧~ 順便看看有沒有人傳出其他類似災情..... |
不知有沒有人提過FAH GPU Tracker V2
http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=219556 FAH GPU Tracker V2會自動關閉gpu client當Games.txt內記載的程式啟動時 等該程式關閉後又會自動打開gpu client 適合有時要玩遊戲又會不小心忘記打開gpu client的人 另外還可以依據不同的wu設定gpu client的loading 有興趣的隊友可以試試 |
SMP2 preview client (v 6.30)
I've talked about our work with our second generation SMP client (dubbed SMP2). The goals were to make it work much more simply and easier for donors, namely by getting rid of the need for MPI libraries. This is no small feat and the bulk of the credit goes to the Gromacs developers who pushed on this. We have a SMP2 preview client (v6.30) on our High Performance Client Download Page (scroll to the bottom of the page) as well as updated SMP guide and FAQ. We're still calling this a beta client while we test SMP2. However, this technology is already part of our new v7 client and our plan is for SMP2 to be a standard part of FAH when the v7 client rolls out of beta testing. On a side note, the v7 is currently doing well in QA and I hope we'll have an open beta test of it soon, eg in the next few months if not sooner. Posted at 11:14 AM | Permalink |
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