- 顯示卡討論區
- - Folding@home 設定 功耗測試 與 WCG 複合測試
就是這樣啊, i7 4C8T oc 4G放著讓他全力跑SMP2 (有加參數-bigadv),視收到的WU不同, PPD會落在12000-32000間, 2張小超 的GTX460(core/shader=800/1600)放著讓他跑,視收到的WU不同, PPD會介於20000-28000間, 這樣的情況下我會選擇顧好GPU client, 但也是要注意,不要讓SMP BIGADV運算的TPF超過56分, 這樣容易連bouns都領不到,SMP的區塊PPD就只剩2000左右.. (領bonus的TPF臨界值是57分半,但還要加上回傳所需的時間,所以沒有算的太緊繃) |
480 跳水了...
聽說今年是寒冬買個暖爐吧XDD |
買兩個450都有找 電力下降產能還高很多... |
就只看F@H而言, 9999的480仍是沒有入手的價值, 450大概仍會是首選一段時間.
有了450, 組出數萬日產PPD的GPU farm從來沒有這麼輕鬆容易過. 而且就算570 560出來 也不會大幅打壓到450的價值(日產高,功耗低,價格平), 估計跑到明年底的 坎普勒 都還有CP值. 對遊戲, 便宜夠用功耗較低的6870可能較多人挑.玩卡王的大概也上580或是等69系列看PK結果. 另外最近似乎出現了新的credit 1298的WU....是我有lag嗎? |
credit 7202 :laugh: |
[22:17:48] Project: 6800 (Run 566, Clone 0, Gen 0) [22:17:48] [22:17:48] Assembly optimizations on if available. [22:17:48] Entering M.D. [22:17:50] Tpr hash work/wudata_02.tpr: 3560129790 1696933948 1079244423 1791159581 693089729 [22:17:50] Working on PEPTIDE (1-42) [22:17:50] Client config found, loading data. [22:17:50] Starting GUI Server [22:19:36] Completed 1% ( 500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:21:22] Completed 2% ( 1000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:23:07] Completed 3% ( 1500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:24:53] Completed 4% ( 2000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:26:39] Completed 5% ( 2500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:28:24] Completed 6% ( 3000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:30:10] Completed 7% ( 3500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:31:55] Completed 8% ( 4000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:33:41] Completed 9% ( 4500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:35:28] Completed 10% ( 5000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:37:14] Completed 11% ( 5500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:39:00] Completed 12% ( 6000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:40:47] Completed 13% ( 6500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:42:33] Completed 14% ( 7000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:44:19] Completed 15% ( 7500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:46:05] Completed 16% ( 8000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:47:51] Completed 17% ( 8500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:49:37] Completed 18% ( 9000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:51:22] Completed 19% ( 9500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:53:08] Completed 20% ( 10000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:54:54] Completed 21% ( 10500000 steps out of 50000000) [22:56:39] Completed 22% ( 11000000 steps out of 50000000) [22:58:25] Completed 23% ( 11500000 steps out of 50000000) [23:00:11] Completed 24% ( 12000000 steps out of 50000000) [23:01:56] Completed 25% ( 12500000 steps out of 50000000) [23:03:42] Completed 26% ( 13000000 steps out of 50000000) [23:05:27] Completed 27% ( 13500000 steps out of 50000000) [23:07:13] Completed 28% ( 14000000 steps out of 50000000) [23:08:59] Completed 29% ( 14500000 steps out of 50000000) 10500PPD |
官網公告: http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=16668 Please note that P6811 has the largest number of atoms ever (2150 atoms) for a GPU3/Fermi project. Donors with low/medium-end GPUs may notice a significant difference in PPD since low/medium-end GPUs may not perform well relative to high-end GPUs as system size increases. Points and deadlines: P6800 -- 1298 points, preferred deadline 4 days, final deadline 10 days P6811 -- 7202 points, preferred deadline 13 days, final deadline 18 days |
GF100、GF110要翻身了? |
此討論串的回報顯示,pdd並沒有比912分wu 來得高,頂多差不多 |
所有的時間均為GMT +8。 現在的時間是02:58 AM. |
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