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Stanford研究團隊已公開新的Bigadv專用A5 core,運算bigadv的隊友請更新SMP client至6.34:
http://www.stanford.edu/group/pande...4-win32-SMP.exe 詳情請參考官網聲明: http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=17763 reminder: bigadv switchover A3->A5 now by kasson » Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:17 pm We have recently launched a new core type for bigadv work units. We're forking A5 off from our A3 core to make a core that specializes in bigadv workunits. In particular, new A3 and A4 cores use more RAM per thread which makes large-memory calculations very memory inefficient in those cores. A5 does not have this issue and looks to be a good general fix for big RAM (eg bigadv) calculations. However, to be able to use the new A5 core, one needs to use an updated client: 6.34 or later. We are shutting down A3 bigadv in the next day, so please update your clients if you wish to continue running bigadv work units. Older clients will be redirected to standard A3 SMP work units; the switchover will allow us to push an update to the standard A3 core and release a large number of new A3 work units that have been in early testing. (to be clear, all issued A3 bigadv work units will be accepted until their deadlines. We are terminating new bigadv work unit assigns.) Thanks for folding! |
不是吧 我只是跟鄉民進來看熱鬧的 :p |
感謝分享. 已經更新好了. :) 隊友請記得連結捷徑的參數也要一起更新, 以免自動執行時跑去舊的檔案. |
感謝分享. 等目前的WU完成了, 再來更新...
09月 44,634 10月 524,582 11月 448,184 12月 339,334 2011 01月 388,741 02月 642,729 由R大贊助的460GTX已經達到200W標準了!! 前些日子凹到i7幫跑,分數衝了不少,不過實驗用的i7被搬走了>"< 現在又回到只用460GTX跑分啦~ 預計下下個月應該有一筆經費可以花在新電腦上... 屆時再看看要怎麼搭配比較有利跑分!! |
關於SMP bigadv
請問捷徑除了加上 -smp 外 要跑bigadv是不是要再加上 -bigadv? 那如果我把 -smp -bigadv 寫在client.cfg內的extra parameters是否可行? (執行時一樣會在cmd視窗的arguments後面看到這些參數) 除了 -smp -bigadv -verbosity 9 外還需要其他參數或設定嗎???? |
YES 引用:
可行 引用:
這樣就夠了 |
看你這台有沒有要加跑GPU, 如果要的話, SMP 自己減一緒 出來餵GPU 如果用i7 970 --> -smp 11 , 如果用2600k --> -smp 7 這樣才不會搶bigadv的CPU資源而大幅衰減PPD. |
不知道真假,看看就好1#、13#都看看 :flash: http://www.chiphell.com/thread-169088-1-1.html |
Bulldozer ppd780k ? 強!! 可惜沒圖 ...沒真相 :p 但實際上我是不太相信 ... :stupefy: |
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