- 社會時事發言區
- - 住美國的網友對拜登這號人物當上美國總統後有何感想?
https://nypost.com/2022/05/03/repai...politico-beast/ Repairman who revealed Hunter Biden laptop sues Schiff, CNN, Politico and the Daily Beast 被他吉的對象包括民主黨議員兼眾議院情報委員會主席Adam Schiff、CNN、Politico等媒體,因為這些媒體個人等卯起來指控他散佈俄國的假消息。他忍了18個月之久,遭受來自大科技集團、媒體以及甚至他在德拉瓦州當地人的騷擾恐嚇,他的生意跟個人名聲都遭受嚴重打擊,決定再也不忍了。 PS:Adam Schiff何時才要拿出如山高、如鐵牢靠,絕不可否認的川普通俄證據?我們還在耐心等待。 :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
不管是哪一種劇本,我都覺得洩密者沒品。 |
她的推文真是針針見血 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :
https://twitter.com/samanthamarika1...365864536190977 Liberals went from “what is a woman?” to “protect women’s reproductive rights!” real quick ! 到底女人能不能自我作主? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: https://twitter.com/samanthamarika1...367475144724481 Liberals went from “men can get pregnant” to “no uterus no opinion” real quick 到底男人能不能在這個議題裡參一腳? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
機機歪歪廢話一大堆 :tu: :tu: :tu: : https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/07/...an-weapons.html U.S. Presses Taiwan to Buy Weapons More Suited to Win Against China 敗登政府除了繼續阻擋對台軍售外,還會拿出什麼具體行動作為? :tu: :tu: :tu: 或是要繼續表現得口惠而實不至、任由疑美的氣氛蔓延開來? :tu: :tu: :tu: 不然這樣好了,就請敗登政府直接提出清單,明白表示到底什麼才是適合台灣、美國又肯出售、然後又能立即到貨不會被延誤的美製武器系統,而不是成天在那邊打官腔故佈迷陣,大宗載台武器不賣,小型武器因為支援烏克蘭所以沒現貨供應台灣,成天在那指責批評台灣沒把『不對稱建軍』當回事。 :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: |
https://dinesh.locals.com/post/2083099/2000-mules criminal cartel :laugh: “Ye are to have turmoils, ye are to have strife between capital and labour. Ye are to have a division in thy own land, before ye have the second of the Presidents that next will not live through his office ... a mob rule!” - EDGAR Cayce |
還記得去年一月下旬敗登『就職』,然後還為了首都安全,從各州調派國民兵來搞戒嚴那回事吧? 然後媒體揭露派去首都的國民兵生活狀況極差,有共和黨眾議員自行掏腰包外訂一堆熱騰騰的披薩請國民兵享用,消息傳出來後,白宮急急忙忙派敗登夫人,拎著一個不知道裡頭是裝餅乾還是糖果的籃子,裝模作樣地前去『慰問』辛苦的國民兵,這回她『訪問』烏克蘭就跟這個事件一樣,專程去『擺拍』的,她甚至根本沒到達基輔,而只是到了烏克蘭邊境的城鎮,然後跟烏克蘭第一夫人會面而已。 :unbelief: :unbelief: :jolin: :jolin: :jolin: 此外當多個歐洲國家領導人親自前往基輔去會面司機,連美國北方的小土豆都去見他了,白宮則是宣布敗登不會訪問基輔,果然不能對敗登有啥期望,現在連在鏡頭前『擺拍』也懶了。 :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
原來如此, 果然還是不要有太高期望的好... :think: :stupefy: :o :unbelief: :jolin: :flash: :ase |
"I'm not interested in women's rights but let me fake outrage about leaked court's opinion." 引用:
"Women's rights are being eroded but who cares, let me blame democrats on a baseless assumption with no evidence, just like how I cried election fraud." 引用:
The resident Trump-bot with his typical brainrot takes. Trumpscums act as trumpscums do. |
說MAGA很暴力極端,結果敗登內閣才是代表最極端暴力的那一群: https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial...103209073139718 Psaki: "I know that there is an outrage ... about protests that have been peaceful to date and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges' homes." 就這麼大棘棘公開地宣揚暴力,連演戲擺拍都免了。 :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: :tu: |
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