- 社會時事發言區
- - 俄羅斯16日攻打烏克蘭?!
https://www.mindiworldnews.com/20220704-2/ 當然艾爾段在遊走美歐俄之間看看能不能要到更好條件讓他點頭 他才不管你俄烏死活 :laugh: |
話說秋天快到了.....早些時侯,新聞報導不是說維尼圖謀秋天接管台灣..... :flash: :flash: :flash: :flash: 怎共識政策都沒提啊.... :flash: :flash: :flash: |
俄國真的『入侵』美國了 :shock: :shock: :
https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia...ine-11665086920 Russian Men Flee to Alaska Across Bering Strait to Escape Draft for War in Ukraine 有兩名俄國人搭乘小船橫渡白令海峽,在美國阿拉斯加州一個偏遠的小島上岸,該島離俄國只有50英里。兩人上岸後被當地警方拘留,然後要被空運到750英里外的CBP據點,DHS在聲名上說他們得被送到安克拉治做後續處理。 根據每國的資料,俄國開始入侵烏克蘭之後,已經有三萬名俄國人在美國的各關口被拘留。在布丁發佈動員令後試圖逃走的俄國人則是數以萬計。不過選擇阿拉斯加做目的地的俄國人很少,去年十月到今年八月為止只有五個。 |
這應該只有你家吊燈黨才有這種想法 |
哪有閉關鎖國,明明是自主限關! :laugh: ;) |
https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/statu...262947150938113 |
笑死 當產油國是北韓伊朗古巴?:laugh: OPEC減產,沙烏地狠打臉拜登 接下來會怎樣? 通通有獎,怎麼不加個司機? 這些人為世界和平了什麼?:laugh: 諾貝爾和平獎公布 白俄人權運動家、俄烏兩組織同獲獎 |
該吊路燈 :flash: https://www.ft.com/content/5ef14997...48-b5d67202623a Musk reckons that conflict over Taiwan is inevitable but he is quick to point out that he won’t be alone in suffering the consequences. Tesla will be caught up in any conflict, he says, though, curiously, he seems to assume that the Shanghai factory will still be able to supply to customers in China, but not anywhere else. “Apple would be in very deep trouble, that’s for sure . . . ” he adds, not to mention the global economy, which he estimates, with precision, will take a 30 per cent hit. It may be Musk’s realisation that business decisions can no longer be made without regard to security and geopolitics — or perhaps it’s simply an arrogant belief that he has all the answers — that now leads him to offer his own solutions to the world’s most complex geopolitical problems. “My recommendation . . . would be to figure out a special administrative zone for Taiwan that is reasonably palatable, probably won’t make everyone happy. And it’s possible, and I think probably, in fact, that they could have an arrangement that’s more lenient than Hong Kong.” I doubt his proposal will be taken up. |
烏克蘭開始放緩徵兵的力道了。 :think:
https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1665157366.A.992.html |
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