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陪伴我們多年的F@H統計網站 KakaoStats 在今天 shutting down. :cry:
首頁已經被轉址, 管理者並發出停站宣告 : After more than 10 years producing Folding@Home stats KakaoStats will shut down on January 1st 2015. The reasons are: I do not have the time to finish the new version; I can't upgrade the hardware; My home connection is a constant chore to keep working; The server takes space for which I have better use and it warns my work room up. This is the earlier KakaoStats version I found but I think there were earlier ones: http://web.archive.org/web/20040907...kakaostats.net/ It started as a teams list only in portuguese. It was and is a great personal achievement for me. It printed an unforgettable mark in my mind. I'm proud of it and I will miss it. Thank you all who visited the site and contributed to keep it working. ---------------------分隔線------------------------- 可惜了, 一個不錯的F@H統計資料網站. R.I.P. |
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 插槽是x16對我來說就行了,沒那麼多能把頻寬吃光的卡 :D |
新的psummary page包含9104這種ZETA_DEV的資料 |
960不负众望,TPF=2:46,ppd逼近15万 |
預先調查, 就用這張來辦活動主打有搞頭嗎? 還是還有其他順位選擇? 請大家建議一下~ |
有興趣 轉貼一下 http://www.equn.com/forum/thread-40564-1-1.html 作者默頻下整機耗電才127瓦,非常漂亮。(周邊設備不確定) 如果OC 1500能穩定,推估9201 PPD 能接近17萬 |
整機127W, 卡不就一百瓦以內?? 水喔! 剩下就看價格了, 三年前我對分散式運算專案規畫的"支援系統"快要成形了, 順利的話, 以後每個月要捐三張970都不是問題,更不用說贊助960. 如果一張7k贊助4k, 只要自備3k 就可以升級960, 應該不少隊友會有升級的動力, 甚至賣掉舊卡就無痛升級. 只要目前日產 50k以下的隊友十幾個換新運算器, PPD隨時都會過2千萬. 其實我們團隊"人均日產"已經 是世界前三強, 算是素質很高很整齊的. 大家加油, 再給我一點點時間, 台灣聯盟隊會是 全世界第一個有系統能力對全隊隊員提供運算器的分散式運算團隊, 會在今年第一季啟動. |
Raziel大真的蠻有心的 支持一下 小弟跑這麼久了,都只用到CPU在算沒用過GPU |
所有的時間均為GMT +8。 現在的時間是12:54 AM. |
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