- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - [轉撥] ASN今年有一卡車的 NFL 比賽...
超級杯史上半場最低比數是2-0,(The Steelers led the Vikings 2-0 at half in Super Bowl IX.)
不曉得是不是防守太出色,兩隊進攻都一無是處,愛國者隊慘,公羊更是慘,慘到比電光還慘 Julian Edelman has 93 yards and 6 first downs. The Rams have 57 yards and 2 first downs. 愛國者隊傳球攻勢因為Hogan 被守死幾乎都在松鼠人,跑陣也不如前兩場或本季這麼出色,現公羊如果要贏超級杯,應該守死松鼠人 |
今天山羊一直跑不出去..... 反而是飛彈還可以進到射程距離, 3 points from kick....
今天主裁判是John Parry,公羊隊在John Parry擔任主審的比賽戰績是7勝0敗,而愛國者是9-5
而他上次執法的超級杯是2012年,愛國者在那年再度輸給了巨人隊 另外2007賽季,愛國者對陣小馬隊,Parry對愛國者響起10次哨音共判罰146碼,被判罰碼數是愛國者隊史第二多 本季愛國者作客對決鋼人時,Parry吹判愛國者計14次犯規、判罰106碼,犯規次數則是隊史第二多 不過目前為止這點還好,並沒有獨鍾愛國者隊 :laugh: |
Goff 又被Sack,不過
Greg Zuerlein makes a 53-yard field goal, and It's a tie ball game. That's the second longest field goal made in Super Bowl history. |
剩下7分鐘,終於有球隊TD 出現,10-3 NE領先
First touchdown ~~~ What a catch...
13-3 恭喜愛國者隊 :like:
松鼠人應該是MVP Patriots claim 6th title: 13-3 in lowest-scoring game in Super Bowl history Tom Brady (41) and Bill Belichick (66) are now the oldest QB and head coach to win a Super Bowl. Brady passes Charles Haley for the most Super Bowl titles by a player (6). Belichick ties George Halas and Curly Lambeau for the most NFL championships by a head coach (6). 主席又要上台頒獎盃 :laugh: |
是老湯回應你的祈求嗎? |
個人覺得繼續這一串就好,比起MLB 和NBA ,美足真的相對冷門。 :ase |
今年繼續 :laugh: |
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