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100,000 Russian and 13,000 Ukrainian service personnel have been killed, according to Western leaders and Ukraine¡¦s armed forces. And more than 7,000 Ukrainian civilians have died as a result of war, including at least 400 children.
¾Ú¦è¤è»â¾É¤H©M¯Q§JÄõªZ¸Ë³¡¶¤ºÙ¡A¤w¦³ 100,000 ¦W«Xù´µx¤H©M 13,000 ¦W¯Q§JÄõx¤H³à¥Í¡C¶W¹L 7,000 ¦W¯Q§JÄõ¥¥Á¦º©ó¾Ôª§¡A¨ä¤¤¥]¬A¦Ü¤Ö 400 ¦W¨àµ£¡C Since the start of the war, more than 8 million Ukrainians have left the country and not returned, according to the U.N. About 19% of Ukraine¡¦s prewar population, roughly the equivalent of the population of Washington state, have fled the country. ¾ÚÁp¦X°êºÙ¡A¦Û¾Ôª§¶}©l¥H¨Ó¡A¤w¦³¶W¹L 800 ¸U¯Q§JÄõ¤HÂ÷¶}¸Ó°ê¦Ó¨S¦³ªð¦^ ¬ù¦û 19% ªº¯Q§JÄõ¾Ô«e¤H¤f¡A¬Û·í©óµØ²±¹y¦{ªº¤H¤f¤w¸g°kÂ÷¸Ó°ê¡C Russia has had its own mass migration as a result of the war, with people fleeing Putin's mobilization. At least 419,000 people fled the country in the first half of 2022, according to Russia¡¦s Federal State Statistics Service. ¥Ñ©ó¾Ôª§¡A«Xù´µ¤]¦³¦Û¤vªº¤j³W¼Ò²¾¥Á¡A¤HÌ°kÂ÷¤F´¶¤Bªº°Êû¡C ®Ú¾Ú«Xù´µÁp¨¹°ê®a²Îp§½ªº¼Æ¾Ú¡A2022 ¦~¤W¥b¦~¦Ü¤Ö¦³ 419,000 ¤H°kÂ÷¸Ó°ê¡C Russia¡¦s economy has not collapsed under Western sanctions, but it has suffered. The country¡¦s GDP is predicted to have dropped 3.4% in 2022, according to the IMF. «Xù´µªº¸gÀ٨èS¦³¦b¦è¤èªº¨îµô¤U±Y¼ì¡A¦Ó¬O¾D¨ü·l¥¢ ®Ú¾Ú°ê»Ú³f¹ô°òª÷²Õ´ªº¼Æ¾Ú¡A¹wp¸Ó°ê 2022 ¦~ªº GDP ±N¤U° 3.4%¡C Before the Feb. 24 invasion, Russia and pro-Russian forces controlled 7% of Ukraine This grew to 27% of Ukraine¡¦s territory by March 2022. After a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, Russia controls nearly 18% of Ukraine¡¦s internationally recognized territory. ¦b 2 ¤ë 24 ¤é¤J«I¤§«e¡A«Xù´µ©M¿Ë«X¶Õ¤O±±¨î¤F¯Q§JÄõ 7% ªº»â¤g ¨ì 2022 ¦~ 3 ¤ë¡A³o¤@¤ñ¨Ò¼Wªø¨ì¯Q§JÄõ»â¤gªº 27%¡C ¦b¯Q§JÄõ¤Ï§ð¦¨¥\«á¡A«Xù´µ±±¨î¤F¯Q§JÄõªñ 18% ªº°ê»Ú¤½»{»â¤g¡C More than $166 billion in military, humanitarian and financial aid was pledged to Ukraine by 40 different countries and groups from Jan. 24, 2022, to Jan. 15, 2023. The U.S. has pledged $77.6 billion. ±q 2022 ¦~ 1 ¤ë 24 ¤é¨ì 2023 ¦~ 1 ¤ë 15 ¤é¡A40 Ó¤£¦Pªº°ê®a©M¹ÎÅé©Ó¿Õ¦V¯Q§JÄõ´£¨Ñ¶W¹L 1660 »õ¬ü¤¸ªºx¨Æ¡B¤H¹D¥D¸q©M°]¬F´©§U¡C ¬ü°ê¤w©Ó¿Õ´£¨Ñ 776 »õ¬ü¤¸¡C Russia is firing about 20,000 artillery rounds a day, while Ukraine is firing 4,000 to 7,000 rounds daily, a senior U.S. official told NBC in November. Many military experts caution that there is no end in sight for a war that could last many more years. ¤@¦ì¬ü°ê°ª¯Å©xû¦b 11 ¤ë§i¶DNBC¡A«Xù´µ¨C¤Ñµo®g¬ù 20,000 µo¯¥¼u¡A¦Ó¯Q§JÄõ¨C¤Ñµo®g 4,000 ¦Ü 7,000 µo¯¥¼u¡C ³\¦hx¨Æ±M®aĵ§i»¡¡A¤@³õ¥i¯à«ùÄò¦h¦~ªº¾Ôª§¬Ý¤£¨ìºÉÀY¡C ¡X¡X¡X¡X¡X¡X ¦]¬°§½¶Õ°fÂà«Xx¼uºÉ´©µ´¡A¨ºÓ¯¥¼uµo®g¼ÆÂù¤è¤¬´«¤]¦æ :o |
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