Master Member

加入日期: Feb 2004
您的住址: 加拿大
文章: 2,391
主因是最近家人在考慮組 HTPC... 說為了畫質考量堅持 A 卡...

另外, 就我所知, NCIX隊, 是加拿大溫哥華的一間電腦店, 他們可能也有類似的贊助, 他們的論壇成員有的就有 NCIX folding team 的標誌...

講真的, 要繼續往上衝, 除非有隊友中彩卷架機房或是資助其他隊友, 真的只能靠廠商贊助... orz

不管怎樣, 有開頭總是好事, 希望能進一步往上

目前這一季的預算基本上是確定了, 三月有大約 500 CAD 上下的預算來買顯卡, GTX285 是足夠了,
若是要295, 就看這一陣子能不能節省點... 泡麵經濟嗎?

Rule #12: Never date a co-worker.
Rule #13: Never involve lawyers.
Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live!
Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong

純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド
貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて
Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche

Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground

The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will
舊 2009-01-21, 02:54 PM #3236