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加入日期: Sep 2001
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These projects are constant-temperature simulations of a 941-atom SH3 domain called drkN. The simulations are started from folded and unfolded states, using an implicit solvation model, and are full production runs designed to be run on the GPU clients.

drkN is in interesting target for simulation because it is a well-studied example of an intrinsically disordered protein. We are keely interested in using accelerated GPU simulations with Folding@Home to generate unfolded-state ensembles that we can compare to experimental data. Projects 5787-5792 are the wild-type sequence of the protein, while projects 5793-5798 is a single-point mutant (T22G) that has been shown to stabilize the folded state by 2.5 kcal/mol.

Points and deadlines:

project points deadline timeout forcefield temperature
p5787 787 4 days 6 days ff96 300K
p5788 787 4 days 6 days ff96 330K
p5789 787 4 days 6 days ff96 350K
p5790 787 4 days 6 days ff96 370K
p5791 787 4 days 6 days ff96 400K
p5792 787 4 days 6 days ff96 450K

project points deadline timeout forcefield temperature
p5793 787 4 days 6 days ff96 300K
p5794 787 4 days 6 days ff96 330K
p5795 787 4 days 6 days ff96 350K
p5796 787 4 days 6 days ff96 370K
p5797 787 4 days 6 days ff96 400K
p5798 787 4 days 6 days ff96 450K

用Core 11在跑
舊 2009-08-21, 12:48 PM #5451