Master Member
話說那個GTX275跟GTS250合體的那張卡不知道摺的效能如何, 能用以往的算法估嗎?
如果功耗不很大, 三百五十塊美金的價位 240+128 SP數, 只想跑單張卡的其實還不錯.
只是目前的F@H client不知道適不適用 ![流汗或歹勢](images/smilies/ase.gif)
EVGA 官方說兩顆都可以折...
雖然 G92b 的記憶體/ROP 被閹了, 但是理論上來說, F@H 只看 SP...
所以應該可以沿用 GTX275 + 9800 GTX 的方式下去估算
也就是 240+128 這樣
現在就剩下功耗跟實際市場價格... 如果可以接受, 可能就弄一張來玩玩, 過聖誕節這樣
Rule #12: Never date a co-worker.
Rule #13: Never involve lawyers.
Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live!
Rule #51: Sometimes you are wrong
純白の吸血鬼は微笑む:私を殺した責任、とってもらうからわ - アルクエイド ブリュンスッド
貴方に出逢い STAR輝いて アタシが生まれて
Was aus Liebe gethan wird, geschieht immer Jenseits von Gut und Böse - Friedrick Wilhelm Nietzsche
Cain was the first man ever to strike down another... and when the Lord came to him and said ‘What have you done!?’, Cain could not hide his crime. For the voice of his brother’s blood cried out from the very ground
The world has been your battlefield, everywhere you go. The blood of brothers and sons screams out against you. Perhaps you cannot yet hear it, because the soil is not your own, but you will... you will