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對extra-large WU有興趣的網兄請參考以下overclockers網站文章:

The Computer:

1) Must have 8 cores to run them, either real cores, or hyperthreaded.

2) Must be an i7 920 or better for a single cpu system. Stanford advises other single cpu quad core systems, can NOT meet the deadline, even folding 24/7. Multiple quad core systems may meet the deadline, however.

3) Must have 4GB RAM minimum, 8GB is requested by Stanford, because the memory requirements will grow as the project continues.

4) This client requires Linux, (either virtualized or native), or OSX, as it's OS.

This is the link to the drop in binary file for PC's:

And for Apple OSX:

You can just drop this into your folding folder and replace your current fah6 file.

To Participate:

1) You must have the new client, and a passkey. Passkey info and d/l link, is here: http://folding.stanford.edu/English/FAQ-passkey

You may receive an extra large WU to fold without a passkey, but your bonus factor will be only one.

2) You must have folded 10 SMP WU's at least, using that passkey. 80% of these SMP WU's, must have been completed and returned by the deadline.

3) The FAH client configuration requires big WU's to be answered y or yes, and you must NOT have the advanced WU flag present. You need these flags: -bigadv -smp 8

The 8 after the smp flag can be lowered, and some have found leaving one core off their total number of cores, helpful.

Link to the forum for Extra Large WU's:


1) Points for the Extra Large WU's = base points + bonus points. (or base points * bonus factor).

The base points are approximately 25,000. These points match what the test systems yield folding regular sized SMP WU's, in the same amount of time.

2) Bonus points are calculated on a time-sensitive, sliding scale, using these formulas:

If the WU is returned after it is marked to be reissued, then the bonus factor is one.

If the WU is returned before it is marked to be reissued, and the folder used their passkey, then the bonus factor is calculated by:

bonus factor = square root(deadline_time * k / WU_time)

WU_time: time WU results are received back minus the time WU was issued

deadline_time: when the WU would expire. Also, the time between when the WU was issued, and the time when it would expire.

k: a constant factor set by Stanford. Since k is a multiplier, not a divisor, think of it as "encouragement".

3) A few examples of folding extra large WU's:

CPU Speed Points per WU Points per Day Time to Complete
1x i7 940 3.67GHz 55,000 avg. 24,000 avg. 2 days 6 hours

2x Xeon 5420 2.5GHz 53,000 avg. 20,380 avg. 2 days 12 hours
舊 2010-01-24, 04:55 PM #5765