那把285 搞成40nm 弄一張雙核心卡 效果還不是一樣?
那多等半年搞出來的CUDA 3.0效果在哪邊?
還是F@H會有新的GPU3 程式可以用?
等CUDA driver 256.xx 版才會讓Fermi額外的實力解放. 架構改進 驅動不變 還是半封印.
CUDA 3.0 new features
* Support for new GPUs based on Fermi architecture - including ECC, optimized double precision, support for linear algebra libraries such as BLAS and LAPACK, the CUDA-GDB debugger and Visual Profiler
* C++ support – delivering improved productivity with class and template inheritance
* GPGPU/Graphics interoperability – delivering Direct3D 9, 10 and 11 and OpenGL for both CUDA and OpenCL
* Improved developer tools for Linux – including the new CUDA Memory Checker that reports misalignment and out-of-bounds errors
* Tesla Compute Cluster (TCC) – improving performance and cluster management
通用運算處理的項目不是只有F@H, F@Her順其自然更新運算器即可, 如果不值得換,
可以繼續等. 只是我認為這次GTX470會是還不錯的卡. 尤其是在台灣隊活動discount之後,
相信能令人眼睛一亮, 十張有找是肯定的, 四月中旬將展開活動.