Power Member

加入日期: Feb 2001
您的住址: 台灣苗栗
文章: 573

We balance the points based on both speed and the flexibility of the client. The GPU client is still the fastest,
but it is the least flexible and can only run a very, very limited set of WUs. Thus, its points are not linearly
proportional to the speed increase.

The other clients are valuable to us too and we have chosen a points system to try to reflect the relative
merits of each different platform to our scientific research
. For example, the SMP client has been producing
some very exciting scientific results and continues to be very important in our work. By supporting machines
with lots of different functionality, we have a very rich set of hardware on which to run varied types of
calculations, allowing us to tailor calculations to the hardware to achieve maximum performance.
舊 2010-06-01, 09:59 AM #6044