Stanford研究團隊正在全面轉換bigadv至A3 core,並在這個過程中暫時停發Linux bigadv
以處理Linux環境中A3 core運算bigadv的穩定性問題。
依官網說法,Windows SMP2已可指定-bigadv參數運算project 2684 A3 core bigadv。
以4C/8T或以上平台搭配32bit或64bit Windows的隊友可考慮加入Windows native
Re: How many -bigadv A2's are left?
by kasson » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:42 am
We've turned off bigadv on linux for the time being. We're switching bigadv over to A3,
but as you may have noticed there's a bug in the linux A3 core that affects bigadv stability.
We've been working on the bug, but it's still in hiding at this time.
If you're running VM's
under windows, I'd suggest trying the native windows client, which is still enabled for bigadv.
OS/X is also still enabled.