Major Member
中央處理器 AMD Phenom II X4-965黑盒(C3)四核心/3.4GHz/125W/L2+L3=8MB
主機板 華碩 M4A87TD/USB3 AMD870+0SB850/4*DDR3/真正USB3.0
記憶體 Kingston 金士頓 DDR3-1333 2GB (代理商盒裝) 總數2支
內接式硬碟 Hitachi 500 GB 3.5吋 SATAII 硬碟 總數2顆
燒錄器 ASUS DRW-24B1ST 24X DVD燒錄器 (SATA)
顯示卡 微星 R6870-2PM2D1GD5
螢幕 華碩 VH227D 21.5吋寬 /D-sub/50000:1/5ms/內建喇叭
機殼 曜越 Tt V4 BLACK /全黑化/下置POWER/全沖孔網面板 new
電源供應器 Antec EA 650W 80+/全日系/3年到府3年換新
Follow your dream wherever it leads
Don't be distracted by less worthy needs....
Shelter it,nourish it ,help it to grow.
Let your heart hold it down deep
Where dreams go.
Follow your dream pursue it with haste;
Life is too precious,too fleeting to waste....
Be faithful,be loyal,
Then all your life through the dream that you follow
will keep coming true.