陪伴我們多年的F@H統計網站 KakaoStats 在今天 shutting down.
首頁已經被轉址, 管理者並發出停站宣告 :
After more than 10 years producing Folding@Home stats KakaoStats will shut down on January 1st 2015.
The reasons are: I do not have the time to finish the new version; I can't upgrade the hardware; My home connection is a constant chore to keep working; The server takes space for which I have better use and it warns my work room up.
This is the earlier KakaoStats version I found but I think there were earlier ones:
It started as a teams list only in portuguese. It was and is a great personal achievement for me. It printed an unforgettable mark in my mind. I'm proud of it and I will miss it.
Thank you all who visited the site and contributed to keep it working.
可惜了, 一個不錯的F@H統計資料網站. R.I.P.