
加入日期: Mar 2011
文章: 652
不但不在場,也沒進到法國參與血洗周刊和超商挾持,土耳其官方證實人消失在靠敘利亞邊境,策畫者?BF 另有其人

Intelligence officials in Turkey are saying that Hayat Boumeddiene flew to Istanbul just days before the Paris attacks and disappeared earlier this week near the Syrian border.

Boumeddiene arrived at Istanbul airport on a flight from Madrid on January 2 with a man. During routine screening of passengers, the couple were flagged by Turkey's Risk Assessment Center and a decision made to maintain surveillance on their movements, the official said. The official in the Turkish Prime Minister's office would not elaborate as to when Boumeddiene was tracked to the border province.
舊 2015-01-11, 07:31 AM #113