我用gtx970+i7 950(3.5g),如果有跑nacl和沒跑,在p9411是有20k的pdd差距
Differing GPU Voltages in SLI Mode 是nvidia driver release note中已知項目,不確定會不會影響效能,可以試一下同一張970單卡ppd大約多少嗎?我的970@1329 ppd=220k
,970@1507 p9411 ppd=250k∼270k(16組記錄),可見同樣是p9411分數是有差的
2min vs 2min 20s 確實有240k vs 190k的差距
以這文章來看,When disable PCIe 3.0 in bios, I got 690k PPD with two 980. When enabling PCIe 3.0 I got 740k PPD with same CPU clock and same Core Clock on GPU.
When it comes to CPU clock, it seems 3,1Ghz is to low when we talk about the potential of GTX 970. If you get past the 3,1Ghz you will earn about 10k PPD on each GPU in a combo using 2 x 970.