New Core18 Project: 9412
Unread postby cxh » Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:25 am
Hi all!
I'm starting project 9412, which is a simulation of the C-terminal region of P53, a well-know tumor suppressor, with an acetylated lysine. This is a continuation of previous projects within the 9400 series and runs on core18 (Win/Linux) for Nvidia graphics cards.
Re: New Core18 Project: 9412
Unread postby bruce » Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:25 am
I understand this has been fixed (going forward).
In situations like this, being "fixed" means that newly completed WUs will start being credited normally. Credits for older WUs which have already been delayed may show up at any time but often not as promptly as new WUs (hours or days). The permanent loss of FAH credits is EXTREMELY rare. In other words, what you're reporting is normal in cases like this. Don't panic.
Val666 wrote:I just checked and the last work unit was actually reported but the two previous ones are nowhere to be seen, but they were uploaded.