兩個禮拜前,極左派談話節目主持人Bill Maher立場大轉變,在節目中除了大力抨擊目前的cancel culture外,也同樣大力抨擊好萊塢跟奧斯卡頒獎典禮:
New Rule: The Debbies | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
"Oscars need to change their name to The Debbies, as in Debbie Downer, because judging by this year's best picture nominees, you couldn't have a worse time at the movies if there was an active shooter in the theater."
"A new poll found that less than half of Americans now go to church. They don't have to, if they want to feel guilty dirty and bad, they can watch Nomadland, that's the one about the woman who winds up living in her van after her husband dies of cancer...."
"The 2021 Oscar is brought to you by razor blades, Kleenex and rope, please welcome our host, the sad emoji
".....would it kill you once in a while to make a movie that doesn't make me want to take a bath with the toaster?!"
".....but your list of movies, it's like the menu at some stupid trendy restaurant, where all the choices are very impressive, but there's not one thing I ACTUALLY WANT TO EAT!!"
"What happen to show business, did they all decide to quit cocaine at the same time?!"
"Academy nominations used to say: look what great movies we make.
Now they say: look what good people we are."這句話真是再重點不過了。
"It's not about entertainment, it's about suffering, specifically yours."
"It's not 2 hours to forget your troubles, it's traffic schoold at the Holocaust Museum."
"In 2021 if you're at the movies and wondering,'huh, which one is the bad guy', IT'S YOU, because you have indoor plumbing and the nominees don't."
"I keep asking myself why do so many liberals have this seeming desire to want to be sad, could it be because being sad allows you to feel like you're doing something about a problem without actually having to do anything?"
"...I gotta ask, if your movie is so WOKE, how come I'm falling asleep?"
Oscars Ratings Crash To All-Time Low; Viewership Falls Under 10M For First Time Ever