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加入日期: Jul 2004
文章: 54
海水退潮後才知道誰沒穿褲子 , 天亮後才知道那些媒體睜眼說瞎話.




潮水不能退 , 目前不適合國際調查........

QUESTION: Okay. And finally, just on the attack on the Ahli hospital, you said that you’re sure that actually it wasn’t the Israelis who did that.

MR MILLER: I said it was our initial assessment, based on the information that is available to us. And let me just say I don’t want to play media critic here, but I will say that I do think that this event was a reminder of that everyone – this includes officials in government, but officials in government and everyone that watches this conflict, that commentates on it – it would be wise for all of us to take a beat and pause and collect all the information before choosing to decide what we believe and what we don’t. I saw a number of – a number of reports from the very early days that took Hamas’s word at face value, the word of a terrorist organization. I don’t mind people – treating our claims with – our claims skeptically. Everyone has a right to do that. We stand up here every day and defend them. But I would hope that everyone who is watching what’s happening would not take claims from a terrorist organization at face value.

QUESTION: And that’s my question.

MR MILLER: Go ahead.



QUESTION: It’s precisely because of that that in the region, as you know, there is mistrust over the Israelis saying, and actually of the U.S. position as well, because there is previous administrations that took us to war in Iraq on a lie that was defended on a very high level, including behind this podium. That’s why people are cynical when you hear something. We might not know the truth, but would the United States support an international investigation? That’s —

MR MILLER: I do not believe that is appropriate at this time. The Israeli Government has released a great deal of evidence to support their contention that it – this was a misfire rocket attack from inside Gaza that unfortunately landed on this hospital and killed it looks like hundreds of civilians. The U.S. Government is conducting its own assessment.

And I would just say, from Hamas’s side we’ve seen a claim backed up by zero evidence, and it is unfortunate that a lot of people believe a claim from a terrorist organization in absence of them having provided any evidence at all when you are seeing the Israeli Government provide evidence. And I know people treat that skeptically, and I understand the reasons why. But I do – would hope that people who are trying to determine what actually happened would look at the fact that Israel has released information and Hamas has not in this instance.
舊 2023-10-21, 10:27 AM #1089