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最新俄軍陣亡數為34857 , 2周增加953 , 增幅下降 , 符合目前烏軍缺裝甲與砲彈 , 大多數狀況只能用步兵消耗俄軍彈藥的態勢. (9/25 第10084號關於兵役法22條第2部分的修正案 , 烏克蘭將徵兵年齡+5至65歲)
過去幾天俄軍各線測試烏軍防線時DPR意外打出阿夫迪夫卡包圍網 , 目前雙方緊急增員中 , 阿夫迪夫卡為烏軍日常砲轟頓內次克市的重要基地 , 9年來造成頓巴斯無數平民傷亡 , 比阿特木重要得多 , 雙方勢在必得. 目前由於戰場情報封鎖態勢不明 , 會不會形成另一個阿特木值得長期觀察.
另一個重磅消息是根據新頭殼新聞 , 俄軍已採用德國豹豹與美國布萊德利 , 有東正教復活之數與美德2國支援的加持 , 難怪大本營戰報數字放的再好看 , 還是有打不完並且逐步向西進的俄軍.
最新俄軍陣亡數為37052 , 2周增加1272 , 增幅上升 , 依訃告陣亡地點研判 , 與俄軍開始進攻阿夫迪夫卡有關
Since our November 3 update, nearly 1,300 names have been added to the casualty list. There has been a notable increase in the number of obituaries, with current rate standing at about 100–110 instances per day, up from an average of 80 over the summer.
This spike can be attributed to Russia’s attempt to capture Avdiivka in the Donetsk region. We see dozens of obituaries indicating Avdiivka as the place of death, and many more, while not explicitly stating so, are obviously connected to the same Russian offensive.