看這幾天國與波蘭的調查 , 潤才是主流
只有17%的德國人願意保家衛國 , 61%的絕大多數人可能不會或不願意在發生軍事襲擊時拿起武器保衛德國(40%的人為絕對不願意)
若是俄打波蘭 , 37.4%的波蘭人會決定逃離居住地(11.9%選擇與家人逃至國外) , 只有 15.7%的受訪者會自願參軍
Channel 24的主持人Alexey Pechiy離開烏克蘭去報導12/14~15的歐洲峰會後 , 選擇不返國
Leaving For A Greater Cause
Ukrainian Journalist Alexey Pechiy Chooses EU Over Home Post Summit
In an unexpected turn of events, Ukrainian TV presenter Alexey Pechiy, attending the EU Summit in Brussels on December 14-15, has made the choice not to return home. This decision has sent ripples through the media industry, leaving Roman Andreyko, the General Director of the ’24 Channel’, and Pechiy’s colleagues visibly shocked.