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加入日期: Jul 2004
文章: 54
我覺得俄烏大致上底定了, 中東是永無寧日, 要用多少力去處理, 看亞洲需要...

雖然伊朗這次行動已證明在未使用先進導彈並提前通知行動的情況下 , 依然能穿透有充分準備及英美和約旦協助的以納防空體系 , 有效打擊預定目標.

Operation True Promise; Which Of The Israeli Bases Targeted In The Retaliatory Missile And Drone Attack By Iran?

all the last night events conveyed several important messages to Israel and the West; the Israeli regime must understand that even if the entire West mobilizes all its defense capabilities to defend the despicable Zionist regime, Iran’s hand is still open for any retaliatory operation, and whenever it wills, it can accurately and intensely hit the targets and punish the Israeli regime for its crimes. The “military objective” of last night’s operation was the attack on the most important airbase of the Israeli regime, namely the Nevatim airbase near the Dimona nuclear facility!! was successfully carried out despite the presence of the most concentrated defense systems in the world, and the pre-determined airbase was hit. The Israelis must know that every point of the Israeli regime’s entity is under Iran’s control and strike, and the bluster and threats against Iran never go unanswered…

Constantly mollycoddled by its supporters, the Israeli regime was a spoiled child at the school where its anomalies had long gone unchecked. This dangerous behavior led to the point where it set fire to the school. It needed to be disciplined, and discipline was indeed enforced!
舊 2024-04-15, 06:10 PM #3013