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埃及放棄升級F-16 將向中國大採購殲-10C戰機

美國軍事媒體 Defense Blog 9月7日報道稱,埃及與中國已經在8月19日簽署了關于引進殲-10C戰鬥機的協議,旨在取代埃及220架老化的F-16戰鬥機機隊。這也意味著埃及成爲繼巴基斯坦之後,殲-10C的第二個國際客戶。

Egypt to replace F-16s with China’s fighter jets

Egypt has reportedly signed an agreement with China to purchase J-10C fighter jets, aiming to replace its aging fleet of F-16 Fighting Falcons.

According to various reports, the deal for the Chengdu J-10C, also known as the “Vigorous Dragon,” was signed on August 19, 2024. This acquisition would make Egypt the second international customer for the J-10C, following Pakistan.

The move follows growing speculation that Egypt is seeking alternatives to modernize its air force as the country begins to phase out its older F-16 aircraft. The J-10C is a multi-role fighter jet equipped with advanced air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry. Its capabilities have been compared to the American F-16, with particular strengths in air superiority missions.

The deal comes after Cairo declined offers from both the United States and Russia to upgrade or replace its fleet. Egypt reportedly considered, but ultimately rejected, an American package for modernizing its F-16s to the F-16V variant. Additionally, the country turned down Russian offers for MiG-29 fighters, following negative experiences with the MiG-29M aircraft purchased from Russia in 2015.

In a recent display of military cooperation, China showcased its J-10C aircraft at the Egyptian International Air Show, marking the first time these fighters have performed in Africa.

舊 2024-09-09, 02:09 PM #1