那已算舊聞 , 目前胡歷達爾已完成戰場清理 , 救出116名平民 , 因為72旅是阿特木屠夫嫡系 , 所以投降的不多 , 只有44名
會掉是因為被抽兵加上補給路線被切斷 , 另外派來填線的國土防衛旅123旅抗命不進來增援 , 所以俄軍滑翔炸彈丟個把月+2天攻城戰就打下來了 , 烏方訊源表示精銳72旅幾千守軍能逃出去的不多 , 而且直接被安排蹲戰壕而不是拉回後方重組 , 我猜有可能會像幾個前輩旅一樣取消番號
有點像蔣光頭抗日時只會叫部隊死守 , 丟城還會被處分 , 導致增援怕誰進去換誰獨守 , 蹲在外圍沒人要進城......
The commander of 186th Battalion committed suicide
He reportedly refused to carry out a senseless assault near Vuhledar.
The brigade was reportedly withdrawn from Kherson and intended to rotate the heavily depleted 72nd Mechanized Brigade, which was defending Vuhledar in Donetsk Oblast.
According to an anonymous soldier from the unit, the battalion had only machine guns, with companies at just 20-30% strength, and was sent to face tanks and drones in Vuhledar.
Upon arriving at the operational area, Lt. Col. Ihor Hryb refused to lead his soldiers into what he saw as a certain massacre.
Higher command representatives later arrived at the battalion’s headquarters and threatened him with criminal charges. Shortly after, he took his own life at the headquarters.