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3A充電器催下去,外加筆電散熱墊。 |
2013-08-06, 10:58 AM
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加入日期: Sep 2006
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連原生系統的 Galaxy Nexus 跑久了都會出現一些異常狀況:
開啟 chrome 瀏覽器,或是其他 app 時。基本上我都把 BOINC 關閉,不過常常發生瀏覽器突然閃退、或是手機突然頓了一下,全黑畫面一會後,桌布跑掉的情況。可能是運算時不斷存取手機儲存空間,久了系統亂掉得重新開機。 在沒有安裝 BOINC前,可以撐到 1000 小時才會出現異常。平常都沒再玩其他 app,只是拿來當作電話、收發簡訊、記帳軟體、地圖;但是安裝、跑運算後,大約要每個禮拜重新啟動一次 |
2013-08-26, 09:37 PM
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加入日期: Nov 2002 您的住址: 不正常人類研究中心
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8核心ATOM 這個有沒有興趣? 不知道有沒有16Thread 有的話應該是一個撐運算總時間的不錯方式 效能應該就不用期待了...
要用FurMark燒機請注意,作者建議跑15分鐘就好/電腦電源接頭規格 加入 F@H分散運算,幫助對抗疾病/ /加入WCG分散運算,幫助解決癌症,AIDS,糧食與能源問題 http://cid-d082ecba16a55988.skydriv...=GetSharingLink VGAMaster 請多多支持,歡迎任意轉貼! |
2013-09-06, 10:33 AM
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2013-12-12, 03:46 PM
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加入日期: Oct 2002 您的住址: 另一個地球
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我用BOINC跑WCG內的FightAIDS@home 這樣算嗎??
大家快來加入World Community Grid(BOINC for Android)與Folding@home(Folding@Home for Android)的行列,一同找出重大疾病(愛滋、癌症、帕金森氏症...等)的解決方案 [YOUTUBE]PPc7gsZIk24[/YOUTUBE] 網路果然很危險,動不動就會被告... 發現自己越來越痴漢了... |
2013-12-12, 04:51 PM
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加入日期: Feb 2003 您的住址: 南投縣
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2013-12-12, 10:39 PM
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cc 我也重回運算了~ 很怕大家都在跑別的東西啦~ 所以問一下大家現在都跑那些
2013-12-13, 10:41 AM
加入日期: Feb 2004
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雙核24Hr常駐 I7上班時間常駐 |
2013-12-14, 12:57 AM
Master Member
加入日期: Dec 2002
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有啊,不過我是用我的筆電在跑,也跑了四年了。但是用boinc在跑,wcg都不更新程式 |
2013-12-14, 03:16 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Dec 2006 您的住址: Taipei
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上週左右的時間有釋出新的計劃 : Mapping Cancer Markers
[YOUTUBE]D6CIOqym2mw[/YOUTUBE] Cancers, one of the leading causes of death worldwide, come in many different types and forms in which uncontrolled cell growth can spread to other parts of the body. Unchecked and untreated, it can ultimately lead to death. The disease is caused by genetic or environmental changes that interfere with biological mechanisms that control cell growth. These changes, as well as normal cell activities, can be detected in tissue samples through the presence of their unique chemical indicators, such as DNA and proteins, which together are known as "markers." Specific combinations of these markers may be associated with a given type of cancer. The pattern of markers can determine whether an individual is susceptible to developing a specific form of cancer, and may also predict the progression of the disease, helping to suggest the best treatment for a given individual. For example, two patients with the same form of cancer may have different outcomes and react differently to the same treatment due to a different genetic profile. While several markers are already known to be associated with certain cancers, there are many more to be discovered, as cancer is highly heterogeneous. Mapping Cancer Markers on World Community Grid aims to identify the markers associated with various types of cancer. The project is analyzing millions of data points collected from thousands of healthy and cancerous patient tissue samples. These include tissues with lung, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic and breast cancers. By comparing these different data points, researchers aim to identify patterns of markers for different cancers and correlate them with different outcomes, including responsiveness to various treatment options. This knowledge can help researchers and physicians to: • Improve and personalize cancer treatment: by making it possible to detect cancer earlier, identify high-risk patients, and to customize treatment based on a patient's personal genetic profile. • Accelerate cancer research and improve the overall process for identifying markers: by refining the process of identifying markers, researchers can determine an individual patient's markers more easily, and future large sets of data can be analyzed more efficiently. 如果有badge hunter要拿藍寶牌的可以暫時轉過來這個專案跑唷~ |
2013-12-14, 07:55 AM