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之前被外媒發現疑似7nm的礦機晶片 當時的良率是20% 現在麒麟9000S是70% 身份、說詞都沒辦法驗證 就當八卦 我認為9000S可能是中芯7nm 軟體辨識成5nm 是因為之前台積電代工的9000是5nm 軟體資料庫沒更新 找個相近的資料而已 但7nm要怎麼去達到接近以往5nm的表現? 我猜華為其中一個想法是加入超線程 猜測而已 認為我錯那就是你對 ------- 還在等美國的進一步制裁 不過美國反應有點慢 現在華為有辦法製造新晶片 7nm做自動駕駛晶片都不是太大問題 代表美國可能無法對車用半導體做限制了 電動車或是一些其他領域 美國未來能出的牌又少一張 或是大牌變小牌 國家的博弈也可關注 韓國在大陸的晶圓廠都無法提供10nm以下的製程 大陸既然有廠商能量產7nm 韓國應對美國的禁令應該也能鬆一口氣
此文章於 2023-09-03 04:00 PM 被 healthfirst. 編輯. |
2023-09-03, 03:51 PM
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加入日期: Sep 2004 您的住址: 阿爾發象限 星際聯邦
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沒有光刻機能手刻晶片嗎?? 而且還1位數的nm ?? |
2023-09-03, 04:02 PM
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中國首創的手機晶片組 採用SMT 技術 額…… 手機的大小核的進階加強版嗎! BJ4
1234567890 |
2023-09-03, 04:32 PM
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兩岸猿聲啼不住 華為已過萬重山
New phone sparks worry China has found a way around U.S. tech limits As Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo was visiting China earlier this week, a sea-green Chinese smartphone was quietly launched online. It was no normal gadget. And its launch has sparked hushed concern in Washington that U.S. sanctions have failed to prevent China from making a key technological advance. Such a development would seem to fulfill warnings from U.S. chipmakers that sanctions wouldn't stop China, but would spur it to redouble efforts to build alternatives to U.S. technology. Huawei Technologies Co.'s new smartphone, the Mate 60 Pro, represents a new high-water mark in China's technological capabilities, with an advanced chip inside that was both designed and manufactured in China despite onerous U.S. export controls intended to prevent China from making this technical jump. Those sanctions were first imposed by the Trump administration and continued under President Biden. The timing of the phone announcement on Monday, while Raimondo was in Beijing, appeared to be a show of defiance. Chinese state media declared it showed the U.S. that trade war was a "failure." Paul Triolo, the technology policy lead at the Washington-based business consulting firm Albright Stonebridge Group, called the new phone "a major blow to all of Huawei's former technology suppliers, mostly U.S. companies." "The major geopolitical significance," he said, "has been to show that it is possible to completely design [without] U.S. technology and still produce a product that may not be quite as good as cutting edge Western models, but is still quite capable." Biden administration officials declined to comment. How powerful the new chip design is remains an open question. Unusually, Huawei revealed little about key aspects of the phone in its announcement, such as whether it was 5G-enabled or what process was used to produce it. In a statement, Huawei simply touted the phone as making breakthroughs in "satellite communications." China's official broadcaster, CGTN, in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, called the phone Huawei's "first higher-end processor" since U.S. sanctions were imposed and said the chip it contains was made by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., a company partially owned by the Chinese government. One person told The Washington Post that the Mate 60 Pro has a 5G chip. Speed tests posted by early buyers of the phone online suggest its performance is similar to top-of-the-line 5G phones. In July, Reuters reported Huawei's imminent return to the 5G phone market, citing three technology research firms speaking on the condition of anonymity. Nikkei Asia has reported, citing sources, that SMIC would be using what's known as the "7-nanometer process" to make the chips for Huawei, the most advanced level in China. This would be on par with the process used for the chips inside Apple's iPhones launched in 2018. Apple's latest iPhone chips were made by the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, using what is known as the four-nanometer process. A nanometer is a measure of chip size, with the fewer nanometers in the process, the better. A piece of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick. U.S. sanctions were intended to slow China's progress in emerging fields like artificial intelligence and big data by cutting off its ability to buy or build advanced semiconductors, which are the brains of these systems. The unveiling of a domestically produced seven-nanometer chip suggests that has not happened. Industry experts cautioned that it's still too early to tell how competitive China's chipmaking operations will become. But what is clear is that China is still in the game. "This shows that Chinese companies like Huawei still have plenty of capability to innovate," said Chris Miller, a professor at Tufts University and author of the book "Chip War." "I think it will also probably intensify debate in Washington on whether restrictions are to be tightened." Few stakeholders have yet to voice opinions publicly, as industry groups seek to confirm more details and evaluate their stances. But there is no doubt the new Huawei phone has sparked discussions of what comes next. "There is a lot of activity," said Craig Allen, president of the U.S.-China Business Council, a nonprofit group that promotes trade between the United States and China. Opinions differ as to how the U.S. government should react. "This development will almost certainly prompt much stronger calls for further tightening of export control licensing for U.S. suppliers of Huawei, who continue to be able to ship commodity semiconductors that are not used for 5G applications," Triolo said. On the other hand, he added, "U.S. semiconductor companies would prefer to be able to continue to ship commodity semiconductors to Huawei and other Chinese end users, to maintain market share and stave off the designing [without] U.S. technology from Chinese supply chains more broadly." Washington faced a similar quandary of how to hobble the Soviet Union's technological development during the Cold War. Willy Shih, an economist at Harvard Business School, said Huawei's breakthrough was evocative of what happened with Global Positioning System technology, now commonly known as GPS. The U.S. Defense Department developed the technology and restricted its export, wary of it in the hands of rivals. But the export restrictions pushed Moscow and other governments to develop their own versions, Shih said. "So it went from a situation where the U.S. really dominated that technology and everyone would come to the U.S. to buy it, to now there are all these different alternatives," he said. "And you have to wonder if the same thing is happening now with Huawei." China's race to build an advanced homegrown chip began in May 2019, when, amid the Trump administration's trade war with China, the Commerce Department put Huawei on its "Entity List," prohibiting U.S. companies from doing business with it. Some wondered if it was a "death penalty" for Huawei, with the company choked from obtaining key components. Huawei had long been in the crosshairs of Washington as the sharpest tip of China's tech industry. Since 2012, Huawei has been the world's largest supplier of the equipment needed to operate the global internet, a position it has maintained despite U.S. sanctions. Huawei files more patent applications than any other company in China, and a constellation of Chinese start-ups rely on Huawei's AI algorithms to build their own applications for face and voice recognition, pattern identification and other purposes. Huawei's business lines include geopolitically sensitive products including mobile base stations that provide nations with cell coverage, video-surveillance gear for police and submarine cable systems, which all require chips as their brains. In the wake of the sanctions, Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's charismatic founder who got his start in China's army engineering corps, rallied Huawei's staff for an all-out fight for the survival of their company. They stockpiled chips from overseas suppliers, predicting that Washington might close loopholes in the sanctions. This indeed came to pass. Washington plugged the loopholes one by one, including sanctioning SMIC, the only factory in China potentially capable of manufacturing advanced chips for Huawei - and pushing for suppliers of specialized chipmaking gear to halt sales to China more broadly. Since then, Huawei has hunkered down into survival mode, drawing on its stockpiled chips as it raced to secure a domestic chipmaking solution. SMIC has striven to make cutting-edge chips since its founding in 2000, but the dream had long seemed pie-in-the-sky. Each generation of chips reflects a new frontier in just how microscopically small humans can draw precise designs into a sheet of silicon. By the time SMIC caught up to one generation, industry leaders had raced further ahead based on new breakthroughs by the world's brightest physicists and technicians. "It's hard to catch up because chips are the most complex manufactured good humans have ever produced," Miller said. "There's nothing more complicated that humans make . . . this is really hard stuff." Miller says a considerable gap remains between SMIC's capabilities and those of TSMC, the industry leader that produces the newest chips for companies like Apple. It also remains unclear if SMIC can produce advanced chips at a scale and cost that will make its products globally competitive. Shih said that regardless of if SMIC can reach the cutting edge, the foundry will certainly be able to produce older-generation chips at scale, possibly pushing down prices of chips worldwide. "We will see price pressure and commoditization pressure," he said. U.S. companies like Intel and Qualcomm have already lost significant sales in China, the world's second-largest economy, due to the U.S. sanctions, crimping their research and development budgets. U.S. executives fear this could weigh on their long-term strength, in an industry where only a few of the strongest, fastest companies tend to survive. "It starts a downward spiral in ability, to not be competitive with the rest of the world," said an industry executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject. Since the U.S. chip sanctions began, Beijing has flexed what muscles it can to prevent more of the global chip industry from falling under Washington's sway. For instance, Intel recently announced it will have to pay $353 million in termination fees to Israel's Tower Semiconductor after failing to acquire Chinese regulatory approval for the acquisition.
我的最愛名單: Hermit Crab n5688 老老濕 分身 IDF304 LeeMichael 豆子(亡) 柚子茶(亡) 分身 法夫尼爾 holisonyy(亡)跳針王分身 istanbul |
2023-09-03, 04:42 PM
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华为Mate 60 / 60 Pro上市:维修备件价格全解析 最貴的主板差不多要手機一半,其次是熒幕也要差不多四分之一。 另外,中國三大電信運營商宣佈將采購百萬部Mate 60系列手機作爲合約方案機。 目前華爲有統計的官方銷售渠道截至昨日顯示Mate 60系列銷量已經達到80萬部。
我的封鎖名單: ankk chumowu cp03 jeffk LDSKING LDSKING II leeking leeko MyChris River Spinach smoguli Whole Truth wpc0406 YorkHapy 冬之炎陽 冰的啦魔王大人 沒問題 爆走企鵝 tvt hill45678 rcack 卜派 polor 感謝網友提供的篡改猴script, 可惜失效了 |
2023-09-03, 04:53 PM
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現在CPU, GPU, NPU, ISP等等硬體驅動
及鴻蒙系統適配都還沒做好 只能說是介於半成品~成品之間 現在買是自己花錢當測試員 |
2023-09-03, 05:02 PM
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80萬部差不多 為華為公司帶來50-60億營收,
但更棒的是新手機的問世,為華為公司的營收未來帶來曙光, 有利於投資方與資金融通方的放貸信心。 次ㄧ輪的運營資金入手肯定沒問題。
1234567890 |
2023-09-03, 05:04 PM
Golden Member
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我的封鎖名單: ankk chumowu cp03 jeffk LDSKING LDSKING II leeking leeko MyChris River Spinach smoguli Whole Truth wpc0406 YorkHapy 冬之炎陽 冰的啦魔王大人 沒問題 爆走企鵝 tvt hill45678 rcack 卜派 polor 感謝網友提供的篡改猴script, 可惜失效了 |
2023-09-03, 05:04 PM
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額,用的是投資方的錢吧。 風險管理這點在華為做的不錯。
1234567890 |
2023-09-03, 05:06 PM
Golden Member
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不,我説的是跑去搶首發的這幫人, 還包括首發搶不到給黃牛加價這批。
我的封鎖名單: ankk chumowu cp03 jeffk LDSKING LDSKING II leeking leeko MyChris River Spinach smoguli Whole Truth wpc0406 YorkHapy 冬之炎陽 冰的啦魔王大人 沒問題 爆走企鵝 tvt hill45678 rcack 卜派 polor 感謝網友提供的篡改猴script, 可惜失效了 |
2023-09-03, 05:07 PM