Elite Member
加入日期: Oct 2003 您的住址: 下山了~~~~
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抄底?養老? 投資自用兩相宜....
還是習慣一個人吃冷掉的便當 一種冷到心裡的滋味 光明呢....?到底何時才上的了岸.... 原來最後只剩我自己...... 人生好累哦...... |
2022-03-03, 12:24 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Mar 2003 您的住址: Vancouver, Canada
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小心被當作是中國人 |
2022-03-03, 12:32 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Oct 2003 您的住址: 下山了~~~~
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控八蛙 控尼幾蛙 說個日文好了
還是習慣一個人吃冷掉的便當 一種冷到心裡的滋味 光明呢....?到底何時才上的了岸.... 原來最後只剩我自己...... 人生好累哦...... |
2022-03-03, 12:35 AM
Golden Member
加入日期: Nov 2008 您的住址: 常被查水表的小房間
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我記得我以前好像發過一篇,北海道知床的房屋好像只要30萬日圓, 再便宜一點還有0元的.. 假如要買地,我會選日本啦,至少交通方便點。 當然,那房子買來後沒那麼好處理就是.. |
2022-03-03, 12:36 AM
Elite Member
加入日期: Oct 2003 您的住址: 下山了~~~~
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不一樣... 北海道的房子0元 但是房子的維護費用不低 要繳一些有的沒的費用 我在yt看一個「北海道女婿」他有說 繳一繳也不少錢
還是習慣一個人吃冷掉的便當 一種冷到心裡的滋味 光明呢....?到底何時才上的了岸.... 原來最後只剩我自己...... 人生好累哦...... |
2022-03-03, 12:48 AM
Senior Member
加入日期: Feb 2015
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他在日本住的房屋稅=跟持有汽車費用花費是差不多的 日本房屋稅金高? 台灣某些地方的新成屋 房屋稅也不低 |
2022-03-03, 12:56 AM
Major Member
加入日期: Jul 2010 您的住址: ?viper in w-0-t
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如果這64公里的部隊有投降舉白旗的意圖 還是讓他們回家去 這樣殺來殺去沒意思 看得出來俄軍沒有任何戰鬥意志 都是被逼迫作自殺任務 俄軍願意舉白旗投降就不要再打他們 戰爭好可怕 普丁這個惡魔遲早被收掉 此文章於 2022-03-03 02:10 AM 被 終極密碼 編輯. |
2022-03-03, 02:08 AM
Advance Member
加入日期: Apr 2003 您的住址: 長野
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這沒啥,車臣有的中國也有!!! https://i.imgur.com/GEFwi7j.jpeg
中國網路洗地大隊:輿情引導員、監獄通訊員、網絡評論員。 |
2022-03-03, 02:27 AM
Major Member
加入日期: May 2021
文章: 212
那64公里的的車隊怎不派土耳其無人機一次全收光呢?那俄軍陣亡將士又多了6000人 Ukrainian military capabilities losses outweigh Russian losses, sources say From CNN's Jim Sciutto, Barbara Starr and Katie Bo Lillis Russia has lost roughly 3% to 5% of its tanks, aircraft, artillery and other military assets inside Ukraine — compared to Ukrainian losses of roughly 10% of its capabilities, according to two US officials familiar with the latest intelligence. US and western officials caution that those ratios are difficult to calculate and likely to change — not only because both sides continue to incur losses as the week-old war grinds on, but also because both Russian and Ukrainian forces are being resupplied. But the stark imbalance underscores grim assessments from US and western officials that despite a stiffer-than-expected resistance by Ukraine that has kept major cities out of Russian hands, it is still likely to be overwhelmed as Russia launches an intensified and less discriminate phase of its assault. And even despite western assistance, US officials say Ukraine is still vastly outgunned by Russia. Moscow has initially leaned heavily on its more modern precision cruise missiles, according to a source familiar with the intelligence, heavily degrading Ukraine’s military infrastructure. Meanwhile, Ukraine has continued to burn through its supply of shoulder-fired Javelin missiles. “I've spoken to Biden many times, and I've told them many times that Ukraine will resist and fight stronger than anyone else but on our own against Russia we won't manage it,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told CNN’s Matthew Chance in an interview on Tuesday. Ukraine “need[s] the classic bits of kit now. They need bullets, they need bandages. They're going to need fuel. They're going to need ammunition, in addition to the humanitarian support to help with medical assistance, sustaining hospitals, both for combat wounded, and for civilians that are being hurt,” said a senior western intelligence official. “And they're going to need a lot in ammunition and weapons resupply, because the Russian force is both numerically and qualitatively superior,” this person said. Almost 6,000 Russian soldiers have died during the first six days of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine, Zelensky claimed Wednesday morning. The senior western intelligence official said Wednesday morning that the western figure is similar — roughly 5,800 — but cautioned that “my number is from yesterday.” US officials believe that Russia is now changing tactics, according to one American official. While Moscow started off with a more modern combined arms approach — one that also appeared to eschew targeting civilian infrastructure — it has now shifted to what this official called a strategy of “slow annihilation.” Officials anticipate continued heavy weapons bombardment and the possibility that “tens of thousands” of troops will march on major Ukrainian cities, this person said. Another western official also said that there is a sense that the conflict may be shifting to a grinding war of attrition — not the flash campaign that both Russian President Vladimir Putin and US intelligence had suspected would cause the fall of Kyiv in a matter of days. |
2022-03-03, 02:39 AM
Senior Member
加入日期: Apr 2017
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那倒不是~ 不過不太清楚你在想什麼.. 試著還是解說一次, 因為這個跟你在路上被人打很不同. 天曉得你是什麼情況被打~ === 前面寫很清楚了, 之前台灣樣樣勝過對岸的時候, 也要發展國防跟軍武. 但因為對手比較(當時)弱小, 所以過程中逐漸轉變為比較腐敗的, 然後停滯"數十年." OK, 這部分你覺得有錯請反駁. |
2022-03-03, 06:13 AM