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在燃料棒插入的情況下破壞冷卻系統,爐心熔毀壓力上升 或許有機會讓圍阻體炸開... |
2016-03-29, 03:36 PM
加入日期: Mar 2015 您的住址: 熱火隊地盤
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2016-03-31, 05:00 PM
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加入日期: Jun 2002
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“Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose.” - Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul “Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.” - The Seth Material “Desire, wish and expectation rules all actions and are the basis of all realities.” - The Seth Material |
2016-03-31, 05:18 PM
加入日期: Mar 2015 您的住址: 熱火隊地盤
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2016-04-02, 09:43 AM
加入日期: Mar 2015 您的住址: 熱火隊地盤
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兩個同樣負面的候選人對決, 而川普得罪的選民族群更多, 川普會因為形象更差而慘敗. Electoral Map Is a Reality Check to Donald Trump’s Bid |
2016-04-03, 05:55 PM
Junior Member
加入日期: Jun 2002
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“Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose.” - Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul “Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.” - The Seth Material “Desire, wish and expectation rules all actions and are the basis of all realities.” - The Seth Material |
2016-04-03, 07:08 PM
Senior Member
加入日期: Feb 2015
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目前這個黑人總統也沒做的多好 民主黨的歐巴馬在總統選舉中得到過半數選舉人票 以332票對206票擊敗共和黨的·羅姆尼 |
2016-04-03, 10:51 PM
加入日期: Mar 2015 您的住址: 熱火隊地盤
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2016-04-08, 08:47 AM
Junior Member
加入日期: Jun 2002
文章: 993
最近開始有報章寫中國希望川普而不是希拉蕊, 和我之前看法一樣.....不過中國可以如川普所說, 找人頭做政治貢獻, 試著傀儡操縱希拉蕊了 不過這次巴拿馬爆料, 有黑巴馬/希拉蕊看來直接和中國與俄羅斯宣戰態勢, 希拉蕊上來也許就WW III, 將會完全跌破眼鏡....這事再看到北韓和中國鬧有點僵, 可以看出川普真的比較有腦
“Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose.” - Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul “Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.” - The Seth Material “Desire, wish and expectation rules all actions and are the basis of all realities.” - The Seth Material |
2016-04-08, 09:15 AM