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LCA Explained Greenhouse Gases and Primary Energy Demand Green NCAP’s Life Cycle Assessment focuses on two key measures: greenhouse gas emissions and primary energy demand. Greenhouse gases contribute to the greenhouse effect so the sum of the gas emissions, produced in the different phases of a vehicle’s lifecycle, is an important indicator of the vehicle’s impact on global warming. The greenhouse gases investigated are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), expressed as emitted CO2 equivalent. The primary energy demand is equally important because energy is scarce and valuable and should be utilised efficiently. The required primary energy, which must be extracted from one or multiple non-renewable (fossil) or renewable sources (e.g. wind, solar or hydropower), is expressed in kWh or MWh. The analysis considers the greenhouse gases emitted during the production of the vehicle and its components, including tyres and batteries. In broad terms, this part of the analysis is based on the vehicle’s size, weight and the type of powertrain. The results presented make use of publicly available data about global generic supply chains and don’t account for the production or recycling processes of specific vehicle manufacturer brands. Different cars produce different amounts of greenhouse gases while they are being driven. A unique feature of Green NCAP’s approach is the combination of actual vehicle testing with the life cycle assessment. The average, best and worst measured fuel and energy consumptions from Green NCAP’s tests serve as realistic input data for the LCA calculations, making the effect of driving style and ambient conditions on the LCA results evident. 該分析考慮了車輛及其零件(包括輪胎和電池)生產過程中排放的溫室氣體。 從廣義上講,這部分分析基於車輛的尺寸、重量和動力系統類型。 所提供的結果利用了有關全球通用供應鏈的公開數據,並未考慮特定汽車製造商品牌的生產或回收過程。 不同的汽車在行駛時產生不同數量的溫室氣體。Green NCAP 方法的一個獨特之處在於將實際車輛測試與生命週期評估相結合。 Green NCAP 測試中測得的平均、最佳和最差燃油和能源消耗可作為 LCA 計算的實際輸入數據, 使駕駛風格和環境條件對 LCA 結果的影響顯而易見。 ------------- 以google翻譯在個人的解讀是,Green NCAP 是針對車輛來分析,ACEEE 是針對車輛+工廠製成來分析。
此文章於 2024-03-08 12:30 PM 被 polor 編輯. |
2024-03-08, 12:28 PM
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加入日期: Jul 2012
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只有%唬爛數據的舔共傻屌們...腦袋已經灌滿 習大大的"習精華" 整天吹也沒用啦,破爛火燒中國電車你們買不起,台灣也不會開放。 這樣也能每天吹到自己洋洋得意,可憐阿。 今天又出清一部分持股,舒舒服服,爽阿兩個月將近百萬, 這樣可以買幾台破火燒中國車? 不好意思,垃圾中國電火棺材送我都不要。你們就繼續吹蕭化唬爛吧。
此文章於 2024-03-08 02:01 PM 被 istanbul 編輯. |
2024-03-08, 01:49 PM
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比銷量被打臉 跳針環保被打臉 又開始跳針到股市了 丟人現眼啊 哎呀呀 中國車在台灣銷量又創新高 有傻屌又又又又要崩潰連po惹
我的最愛名單: Hermit Crab n5688 老老濕 分身 IDF304 LeeMichael 豆子(亡) 柚子茶(亡) 分身 法夫尼爾 holisonyy(亡)跳針王分身 istanbul |
2024-03-08, 02:30 PM
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加入日期: Oct 2017 您的住址: 我會遵守版規,並保持禮貌
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2月中国卖最火的车出炉:特斯拉夺冠 |
2024-03-08, 03:12 PM
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加入日期: Jul 2004
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相較於叛亂區開放市場給美國手機與美國車 , 自詡民主自由的超極大國卻想盡辦法阻止中國車與手機進入自己市場 |
2024-03-08, 03:29 PM
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問界還欠車主10萬輛車交不出來 , 理想的壓力來了 |
2024-03-08, 03:31 PM
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蘋果2023年中國智慧型手機市佔率達19% 首度第一 2024-01-27 大陸市場自由開放 大家都能來這賺錢
2024-03-08, 03:36 PM
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美國的好中國人都知道 一切責任都在美方 |
2024-03-08, 03:43 PM
Golden Member
加入日期: Oct 2017 您的住址: 淡水跟北投之間
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改朝換代就難說了... 只不過留下來的還是不是這些人也難說...
我的封鎖名單: ankk chumowu cp03 jeffk LDSKING LDSKING II leeking leeko MyChris River Spinach smoguli Whole Truth wpc0406 YorkHapy 冬之炎陽 冰的啦魔王大人 沒問題 爆走企鵝 tvt hill45678 rcack 卜派 polor 感謝網友提供的篡改猴script, 可惜失效了 |
2024-03-08, 04:47 PM
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2024-03-08, 08:01 PM