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該名單上有39個名字——24名女性和15名未成年人。 名單上的大多數人來自被佔領的約旦河西岸。 CNN此前報道了名單上的數字。 以色列官員週四告訴CNN,這些囚犯正被從海法東南部的Damon和Mesiddo兩所監獄轉移到被送往被佔領的約旦河西岸拉馬拉以南的Ofer監獄,接受紅十字會的最後檢查。 巴勒斯坦被拘留者和前囚犯事務委員會主席卡杜拉·法雷斯說,目前約有8300名巴勒斯坦囚犯被關押在以色列監獄中。 Fares告訴CNN,其中3000多人被以色列所謂的“行政拘留”,並補充說,這意味著他們在不知道對他們的指控的情況下被關押,也沒有持續的法律程式。 自10月7日哈馬斯襲擊以來,以色列加緊了逮捕力度。 據致力於解決以色列監獄中巴勒斯坦被拘留者關切的非政府組織巴勒斯坦囚犯協會稱,僅當月在被佔領的約旦河西岸和耶路撒冷就記錄了多達2070起逮捕事件。 這個數字包括145名兒童和55名婦女。 Hamas published the names of Palestinian prisoners expected to be in the first batch released from Israeli jails on Friday. The list has 39 names — 24 women and 15 minors. The majority of the people on the list are from the occupied West Bank. CNN previously reported the numbers on the list. The prisoners are being moved from two jails — Damon and Megiddo, both southeast of Haifa – and driven to the Ofer prison, south of Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank, for final checks by the Red Cross, an Israeli official told CNN Thursday. Some background: Around 8,300 Palestinian prisoners are currently held in Israeli jails, said Qadura Fares, head of the Palestinian Commission for Detainees and Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs. More than 3,000 of them are being held in what Israel calls “administrative detention,” Fares told CNN, adding that this means they are being held without knowing the charges against them, and without an ongoing legal process. Israel has stepped up its arrests since Hamas’ attacks on October 7. Up to 2,070 arrests were documented in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem in that month alone, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society, a non-governmental organization dedicated to addressing the concerns of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. That figure includes 145 children and 55 women. |
2023-11-24, 10:36 PM
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自10月7日戰鬥開始以來,至少有67名巴勒斯坦人被困在埃及,在休戰生效幾個小時後,週五穿越回加沙。 巴勒斯坦駐開羅大使館週四表示,被困在西奈半島的巴勒斯坦人將被允許週五穿越加沙。 大使館補充說,如果埃及部分地區的其他巴勒斯坦人願意,他們將被允許從週六開始穿越加沙。 Zeinat Al-Gindy在戰爭開始前前往埃及接受治療,在經過拉法過境點前不久接受了CNN採訪。 “加沙的土壤是我們的靈魂,是我們呼吸的空氣。 這是堅持不懈的土地。 上帝保佑,勝利將屬於我們。”她補充道。 一個拒絕透露自己名字的年輕人,即使剩下的很少,他也想回家。 “我已經22天沒能聯絡到我的家人了。 我無法透過電話或網際網路聯絡到他們。 他們在哪裡? 他們怎麼了? 我對他們一無所知,”他說。 At least 67 Palestinians who have been stuck in Egypt since fighting began on October 7 crossed back into Gaza on Friday, hours after the truce went into effect. The Palestinian embassy in Cairo said Thursday that Palestinians stuck in the Sinai Peninsula will be allowed to cross to Gaza on Friday. Other Palestinians elsewhere in parts of Egypt will be allowed to cross to Gaza from Saturday if they wish, the embassy added. Zeinat Al-Gindy, who had traveled to Egypt for medical treatment before the war started, spoke to CNN shortly before she went through the Rafah border crossing. “The soil of Gaza is our soul, it’s the air we breathe. This is the land of perseverance. God willing, the victory will be ours,” she added. A young man who declined to give his name he wants to return home even if there is little left of it. “I haven’t been able to reach my family for 22 days. I can’t reach them by phone or via internet. Where are they? What happened to them? I don’t know anything about them,” he said. |
2023-11-24, 10:40 PM
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All 13 Israeli hostages are now with Red Cross in Egypt, Israel Prime MInister's office says |
2023-11-24, 10:41 PM
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2023-11-24, 11:01 PM
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哈馬斯在停火首日釋放24名人質 以方也釋放39名巴勒斯坦人
爲什麽有些媒體寫哈馬斯釋放25人,有些寫24人? 紐約時報快訊: Hamas freed 25 hostages, including 12 from Thailand and 13 other women and children, as part of a negotiated exchange with Israel, Egypt said. 以哈暫時停火4天 哈瑪斯釋放25名人質|TVBS新聞 @TVBSNEWS02
我的封鎖名單: ankk chumowu cp03 jeffk LDSKING LDSKING II leeking leeko MyChris River Spinach smoguli Whole Truth wpc0406 YorkHapy 冬之炎陽 冰的啦魔王大人 沒問題 爆走企鵝 tvt hill45678 rcack 卜派 polor 感謝網友提供的篡改猴script, 可惜失效了 此文章於 2023-11-25 11:47 AM 被 Hermit Crab 編輯. |
2023-11-25, 11:46 AM
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引用: 卡達外交部發言人Al-Ansari 在X上說被釋放的是13名以色列公民,其中一些有雙重國籍 另外是在農場工作的10名泰國公民和1名菲律賓公民共24人 埃及和泰國最初表示將釋放12名泰國公民,不知最後出了什麼問題改成上述 以畜釋放的39名巴勒斯坦人有22名婦女、2名女孩和15名18歲以下的男孩,最小的14歲 以畜抓這些女孩男孩小孩幹嘛?趕羚羊? 此文章於 2023-11-25 12:38 PM 被 LDSKINGII 編輯. |
2023-11-25, 12:33 PM
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以納想綁架想抓隨時隨地都能執行... 哈瑪斯釋放人值的影片 被綁架的巴勒斯坦人陸續返家 釋放時的年齡不代表被以納綁架時的年齡 , 這位13歲時被以納綁架 , 拘禁8年 此文章於 2023-11-25 02:26 PM 被 smoguli 編輯. |
2023-11-25, 02:02 PM
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以納做了一個哈瑪斯網站搞認吱作戰 , 下面鄉民的評語太好笑了..... This website is not controlled by Hamas, and is instead Israeli propaganda against Hamas and Palestinian resistance groups. It aims to show Hamas "boasting" about killings Don't click on the link it is a malicious website Are you intentionally so bad at PR? |
2023-11-25, 02:22 PM
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加入日期: Feb 2013 您的住址: Republic of Chunghwa (ROC)
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然後你自己放上連結的第一個影片開頭沒多久,哈瑪斯釋放的人質有一個不到10歲的男孩, 真是夠雙標,天天在這邊亂寫,釋放假消息
小肥羊是提醒自己在台灣不要被無良商人當肥羊宰。 騙創投的訣竅不在你的企劃多漂亮,在你能不能騙進第一個大咖投你,只要有一個頂峰大咖投你,其他創投就會無腦搶了。而頂峰大咖真的那麼聰明睿智眼光準確嗎?才怪,他是靠一個成功的投資抵掉二十個看走眼的失敗而已。 |
2023-11-25, 04:32 PM
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2023-11-25, 05:19 PM