Junior Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 森林裡
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給非法入美的人一個改身份的盼頭. 讓他們主動自首順便繳點錢給美國 否則黑工就黑工到底. Undocumented Illegal 就真的完全 Undocumented了... |
2019-02-02, 01:39 AM
加入日期: Jun 2018
文章: 73
美國一堆移民漏洞,只是以前家大業大,不吝惜分給那些鑽漏洞的人,現在覺得非法移民侵佔到自身權益,不爽的人就越來越多 台灣人連合法外勞都覺得是搶自己工作機會了,美國人以前對非法移民容忍度真的很高,應該是覺得沒壞處 現在是中產階級眼看著非法移民被注重人道的民主黨寵到都要爬過自己頭上了,稅繳少福利更好,被當成公民待遇,這樣很像台灣的什麼粉紅收屍隊那樣? 引用:
此文章於 2019-02-02 05:28 AM 被 Melia1830 編輯. |
2019-02-02, 05:23 AM
Regular Member
加入日期: Nov 2013 您的住址: California, USA
文章: 64
美國人對大學學位不像華人那麼瘋狂。 我聽說過有華人學生想進哈佛結果進耶魯, 結果學生和家人表現得像是世界末日。 |
2019-02-02, 06:12 AM
加入日期: Jun 2018
文章: 73
現在很多人都覺得哈佛像哥倫比亞大學,主要也是給有家世背景的人念的。像麻省理工那類學校就比較硬碰硬 美國有錢有地位的人家當然也喜歡名門學歷來妝點。可能一般中產階級真的沒那麼瘋狂,相信行行出狀元 引用:
此文章於 2019-02-02 06:35 AM 被 Melia1830 編輯. |
2019-02-02, 06:33 AM
Golden Member
加入日期: Oct 2017 您的住址: 淡水跟北投之間
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這點跟家長的認知有關,也有可能就是純粹的第一志願跟第二志願的關係。 第一志願依照學科專業,可能是MIT/加州理工/普林斯頓/約翰霍普金斯/哥倫比亞。 |
2019-02-02, 08:46 AM
New Member
加入日期: Apr 2014
文章: 2
I'm against Trump because he doesn't give a shit about Americans. He didn't do shit when Puerto Rico needed help with the storm. No electricity for months and thousands dead. He didn't do shit. He's didn't do shit when California needed help with the fire. Thank god we can handle it ourselves. He himself hired a lot of illegal immigrants and only fire them when exposed. He uses his position as potus to profit from his businesses. He doesn't listen to intelligence briefings if they contradict with his own beliefs. He refuses to sanction Russia but have no problem denying federal employees paychecks. Falsely claims there is a "crisis" at the border when there is literally none, but defunds program to fight domestic (read: white supremacists) terrorism. Maybe trumptards need to stop being fucking idiots and only focus on one issue. I'm so done with trumptards. Missing the forest for the tree. Ever ask yourself why every minority group vote Democrats? Before you want to blame blacks and hispanics for being "lazy" and just want "freebies" from democrat policies, know that the more successful minority like Jews and Asians also vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Women vote Democrats Young people vote Democrats LGBT communities vote Democrats. Minority vote Democrats. Educated people vote Democrats The only people who consistently vote Republican = white, straight, "christian" male. What is the reason? Use your fucking head. |
2019-02-04, 07:36 AM
Silent Member
加入日期: Aug 2013
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You are just a clown.
The more you say, the more you expose who you truly are. Recent example, Va governor. 先是出來道歉, 以為所謂的libral會以open mind來接受他過去的無知, 沒想到自己人為了討好選民, 打的比別人更兇, 叫他立刻下台, 只好立馬改口説不是他。 唉, Democrats… |
2019-02-04, 10:20 AM
New Member
加入日期: Apr 2014
文章: 2
You dumb cunt. You can’t refute any of my point. Why the fuck would liberals be “open minded” about racism. Being against racism is one of the core values of the left you uneducated ape. Democrats condemning Northam is in line of what liberals want. Principle and values before party. I can’t wait for him to resign. Now, let’s take a look at “family value” republicans who staunchly support Roy Moore and his pedophelia, and trump, who cheated while his wife was pregnant, who fucked porn star then used campaign money to pay her, who walked into dressing room of teenage girls. Republicanism is all about party over their “values.” You are politically ignorant. Shut your stupid mouth. |
2019-02-04, 12:10 PM
Junior Member
加入日期: Feb 2004 您的住址: 森林裡
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Why so angry, Brah?! |
2019-02-04, 03:42 PM
Elite Member
加入日期: Nov 1999 您的住址: Arlington, Texas
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>>You dumb cunt.
這就是自由派人士的水準?!用女性生殖器來問候別人?!他們口中常提到的『包容』都死哪去了? >>先是出來道歉, >>以為所謂的libral會以open mind來接受他過去的無知, >>沒想到自己人為了討好選民, >>打的比別人更兇, >>叫他立刻下台, >>只好立馬改口説不是他。 事實上他本來就不需要道歉,因為歷史上民主黨除了是KKK的發源者以外,現在也一直是KKK的支持者啊!!
My PC: AMD Athlon64 3500+ S939 2200mhz Corsair DDR500 512MB*2 Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro Hitachi HDS72251 6VLAT80 SCSI Disk Device 160GB/8MB Buffer Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110D LITE-ON LTR-52327S USB2.0 CD-RW PNY Verto GeForce 6800 GT 256MB Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS ViewSonic A71f+ ViewSonic VX2025WM Creative Inspire P5800 ASUS A2428PDV Microsoft XBOX 360 |
2019-02-04, 03:55 PM