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加入日期: Apr 2014
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If I speak to you without respect, that’s because you don’t deserve it. Seeing that you are a trumptard as well, fuck you too. None of you are even politically educated in the slightest. |
2019-02-04, 05:20 PM
Silent Member
加入日期: Aug 2013
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他們沒有所謂的包容, 二丶三十年前年少無知的錯, 他們都死咬著不放, 好像人都是聖人, 一輩子都不能犯錯, 犯了錯永遠不會改。 之前kavanaugh如是, 現在Va governor也是。 而且看看whole truth的發言, 水準高低立見, Trumptard丶trumpkin丶ASSumption丶cunt, Talking about caring and use words like lazy bastards on fat people, Closed minded and full of hostility towards different voices。 此文章於 2019-02-04 06:53 PM 被 記憶我的RDesign 編輯. |
2019-02-04, 06:50 PM
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加入日期: Nov 2013 您的住址: California, USA
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That's why I don't watch CNN and Fox News, too much passion. |
2019-02-05, 12:23 AM
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加入日期: Apr 2014
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Are you gonna refute any of the points I made, assuming you are even intellectually capable of doing so, or are you gonna continue to be the bitch ass you are? |
2019-02-05, 01:26 AM
Silent Member
加入日期: Aug 2013
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No point in refuting dumb comments, but I will still do it because I listen to different voices and I respect them no matter how dumb they sound.
You are so indulged in your own beliefs that you have successfully convinced yourself to believe everything you are for and say is correct. Of course there are people from every group voted for each party. You simply ignored that fact and said it like no other than white Christian males voted for republican. I am a highly educated Asian who proudly voted for republican. My wife is also a highly educated Asian who proudly voted for republican. We are both not white or Christian. When you make the comments you make, you just keep on demostrating my points about democrats. By the way, stop focusing on people’s personal lives. Don’t you all have more important things to worry about, e.g., climate change, health care, middle class? 此文章於 2019-02-05 02:07 AM 被 記憶我的RDesign 編輯. |
2019-02-05, 01:54 AM
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加入日期: Apr 2014
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So, you have no problem generalizing democrats and liberals, but when I do the same, you cry foul? Hypocrisy much? How about you man up and stop being a cuck? Also, I didn't say only white christian male vote Republicans. Earlier I already said that some 70% of the Asians vote Democrats, meaning there are 30% of them that support Republicans or Independent, but mostly Republican. You insinuating that I meant no other than white Christian males vote Republican is your own failure at reading comprehension. Now, you wanna address any of the points I made about the Trump administration, or are you gonna continue to be the political imbecile that you are? |
2019-02-05, 02:37 AM
Silent Member
加入日期: Aug 2013
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Hypocrisy is you pretending to be liberal, but acting and speaking the way you describe conservatives or republicans. I am acting according to your perceptions of republican supporters. I don’t see any hypocrisy in me, but I do see lots in you. That’s exactly how trump won the election. People are fed up with hypocrisy from democrats. I am not going to argue with you on your opinions in regards to trump administration. Like I said before, I listen to other voices. I don’t shut them out just because they don’t agree with me. You are free to hold you critics against trump admistration. That’s your freedom. |
2019-02-05, 03:02 AM
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加入日期: Nov 2013 您的住址: California, USA
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百分之六十的美國人反對在美墨邊境大規模新建牆. |
2019-02-05, 03:07 AM
New Member
加入日期: Apr 2014
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Yeah, blame me for you generalizing liberals. Of course you, in addition to being a moron, also cannot take responsibility for your own behavior. You are a conservative in the truest sense. Trump won the election because of electoral college, as I said before, which is why he has historically the lowest approval rating of any president who just won an election. You can chalk it up to it being whatever you say since you talk out of your ass anyway. 引用:
Oh not gonna talk about Trump? Shocker. Probably because you are not even politically educated enough to do "listen to other voices". Voices in your head maybe. When you blamed Democrats on the shutdown and being obstructionists, I already know you are a textbook trumptard who is all about psychological projection. Seeing as you can't even engage in an honest discussion about Trump, fuck off. |
2019-02-05, 05:48 AM
Elite Member
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沒有賺錢哪來繳稅? 在美國賺錢不管工作或其他,收益自然衍生稅的問題, 除非幹的是非法勾當,否則稅在交易中就會衍生,這個稅有什麼不對嗎? 如果是under table,沒有紀錄可循,會乖乖繳稅嗎? 我是不認為因為繳了稅就可以讓非法移民變成合法, 因為正常繳稅的合法公民如果幹了「非法事情」,也不會因為他有正常繳稅, 就不用被追訴其非法。 如果美國政府打算開「小門」讓非法變合法,這個也不是完全不能接受, 只是不該以免責的方式直接就地合法,至於要怎麼罰,門要開多大, 這個有待更多討論與配套立法。 |
2019-02-05, 06:03 AM